It comes directly out my wages.
Plus the other side of it is that i would have to take holidays every time i got an interview external to where i work now (i.e somewhere else outside the company i work for) which would mean for every one i didn't get it would mean another day away from the job lost that i could have enjoyed.
I am being pessamistic i know, i am more than happy to move elsewhere in where i work, outside the department and do a job that does not stick out if it means being outside of the department. The longer term can wait but short term for my own peace of mind i can leave and spend 12 months working elsewhere before i can resume looking to progress knowing i don't hate what i am doing.
I agree with @COYBL25 .....the more you stay there, the more unhappy you'll be in that rut. Have you asked for feedback from the panel on any of the internal interviews you've been know, get useful pointers perhaps to any areas you could maybe fine-tune to give your performance the edge ? Its a big ask when people with broader experience are going for the same jobs with less experienced people as employers tend to want a sure-fire thing in the present climate. Its just the way it is. But you can maybe change your side of things which could help you get a job more suited to what you want and, of course, one thats away from there. Toe the line with the new team leader as arsey as you say he is....hes probably trying to assert himself and show a bit of was ever thus and goes on everywhere to some extent. Stick to the proper times in and the right thing to keep your nose clean for now. Other people will and that could go against you in an interview set up if youre level pegging with one of them. Hope this helps a bit...