Hey, bit of a weird first post to make, but going through a bit of a tough situation atm and needed somewhere to turn to so thought where else better than with fellow blues.
Basically, the shop I was working in has closed down so we're all being relocated to other shops, I'll be going to town away from all my mates in the other shop and basically gonna be on my own.
I'm due to start a week tomorrow and I'm absolutely dreading it. Always suffered from bad anxiety and depression and it seems to be getting worse every day.
I find it hard meeting new people and interacting and generally feel like an outcast and like I don't belong.
Now on top of that, my grandad has just passed away last week and his funeral is this Thursday.
I lived with him as well as my mum and dad and pretty much was somewhat of a carer for him too.
His death has hit me hard, I keep trying to be strong but keep breaking down. I'm rarely sleeping, my eyes are back to being black and me just looking rough as anything and I'm finding it hard to function at all.
Now my mum, she rarely understands anything I go through, I try talk to her about things and she either doesn't listen or just chooses to look at her phone and this just makes me bottle things up more.
She has told me that I need to go back to work on my new start date, but I honestly don't feel like I'll be able to, especially with it being a few days after the funeral.
Am I being unreasonable or anything by feeling like I need to postpone my start date?
I feel like I need to go the doctor and just get prescriped with something or get counselling like people keep telling me, but I really don't feel comfortable with it at all.
I'm generally just worried that I'll start my shifts and just end up breaking down in there.
So yeah, sorry for the long first post, just needed somewhere to turn and some advice.
Thanks! ♡