Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Went the doctor this morning and been given Sertraline 50mg tablets.

Anyone had any experience with these?

Got to go back in 3 weeks or so and check on my progress and see if they need to change the dosage.

Also been signed off work for at least a month for now.

Took my letter from doctor into work and explained the situation to my new managers and they seemed understandable at least.
I had the same dose- it took almost exactly 4 weeks to kick in (and in the first 2 weeks I had some very weird moments, but they passed quickly.) When they did kick in, like @Jokerdan I just woke up one morning feeling light a fog had lifted. I remember calling my friend (who has been on anti-depressants for a while) and crying because I was remembering what it felt like to feel "normal".
I had the same dose- it took almost exactly 4 weeks to kick in (and in the first 2 weeks I had some very weird moments, but they passed quickly.) When they did kick in, like @Jokerdan I just woke up one morning feeling light a fog had lifted. I remember calling my friend (who has been on anti-depressants for a while) and crying because I was remembering what it felt like to feel "normal".

It's bizarre isn't it, you forget what it's like to feel normal lol
Had a very bad couple of days, have officially signed myself off work. Hoping I feel better soon but right now I really do feel bad at the moment, no matter what I do or try to tell myself.

Got rotten drunk with a friend last night and I think I disconcerted him, he asked me what it was I was so down on myself for and I basically admitted it was because I just feel worthless. He said;

"Mate you have to love yourself again if you're ever going to feel better and move forward."

It's heartfelt advice I know but I don't feel capable of it at the moment. I guess I just need time to myself to get my head together.
Hey, bit of a weird first post to make, but going through a bit of a tough situation atm and needed somewhere to turn to so thought where else better than with fellow blues.

Basically, the shop I was working in has closed down so we're all being relocated to other shops, I'll be going to town away from all my mates in the other shop and basically gonna be on my own.

I'm due to start a week tomorrow and I'm absolutely dreading it. Always suffered from bad anxiety and depression and it seems to be getting worse every day.

I find it hard meeting new people and interacting and generally feel like an outcast and like I don't belong.

Now on top of that, my grandad has just passed away last week and his funeral is this Thursday.

I lived with him as well as my mum and dad and pretty much was somewhat of a carer for him too.

His death has hit me hard, I keep trying to be strong but keep breaking down. I'm rarely sleeping, my eyes are back to being black and me just looking rough as anything and I'm finding it hard to function at all.

Now my mum, she rarely understands anything I go through, I try talk to her about things and she either doesn't listen or just chooses to look at her phone and this just makes me bottle things up more.

She has told me that I need to go back to work on my new start date, but I honestly don't feel like I'll be able to, especially with it being a few days after the funeral.

Am I being unreasonable or anything by feeling like I need to postpone my start date?

I feel like I need to go the doctor and just get prescriped with something or get counselling like people keep telling me, but I really don't feel comfortable with it at all.

I'm generally just worried that I'll start my shifts and just end up breaking down in there.

So yeah, sorry for the long first post, just needed somewhere to turn and some advice.

Thanks! ♡

Hi mate.

I was in a similar position to you recently with work. Recently I was the happiest I'd ever been in work due to the people I was working with. Then all of a sudden my company decided to move things around and my team was one of the ones that got dissolved. This meant that I moved to another team with an established group and had to try and fit in. It was really hard at first and I didn't want to be there but it's getting easier now. You've just got to give it time and get to know people.

I can tell you as well, I have recently gone back on medication after being off it for about 18 months. You have to give the medication chance like others have said. I had mine increased recently and it can make you feel worse at first.

Well done for going to the doctor. It can be the toughest step to admit you need help.
Had a very bad couple of days, have officially signed myself off work. Hoping I feel better soon but right now I really do feel bad at the moment, no matter what I do or try to tell myself.

Got rotten drunk with a friend last night and I think I disconcerted him, he asked me what it was I was so down on myself for and I basically admitted it was because I just feel worthless. He said;

"Mate you have to love yourself again if you're ever going to feel better and move forward."

It's heartfelt advice I know but I don't feel capable of it at the moment. I guess I just need time to myself to get my head together.

Sorry to hear you are struggling mate. Had a particularly bad few days myself.

It's frustrating isn't it? You feel like you just want to enjoy life but you are stuck in a black hole in your mind. That's how it makes me feel anyway.

Is there anything in particular you want to get off your chest?

Sorry to hear you are struggling mate. Had a particularly bad few days myself.

It's frustrating isn't it? You feel like you just want to enjoy life but you are stuck in a black hole in your mind. That's how it makes me feel anyway.

Is there anything in particular you want to get off your chest?

Not really mate, I just I'm at a loose end all the time.

Work has been crap for months, I keep fighting battles that I'll never win and ostracising myself from the higher ups. It's reaching an end point now I think.

Personal life isn't where I want it to be at all and it gets me down how I always seem to be failing at things I decide to try.

Me mate hit the nail on the head last night, I won't feel better until I learn to stop beating myself up so badly but it's hard.
Just reading through how other people are feeling on here and just knowing other people out there feel how I feel, well, it helps in some way. Just wish I knew what to say in order to help others on here but it's hard when I can't even help myself.

Just being able to post on here gives me some kind of release and helps me, so I can't thank you all enough.

Got the funeral tomorrow so that's eating away at me, but just trying to be strong for my family.
Been one of the worst days I've had for ages. Just not coping well at all this week. Really just hope it's down to the increase in citalopram and that things will settle down soon.

Going out with some friends that I haven't seen for a few months tomorrow night and I'm quite nervous about it. Don't want to let people down again though. It's just a quick meal at the pub so should be fine.

Just feel like I can't enjoy life at the moment and scared that I will be like this forever. It's a horrible feeling.
Been one of the worst days I've had for ages. Just not coping well at all this week. Really just hope it's down to the increase in citalopram and that things will settle down soon.

Going out with some friends that I haven't seen for a few months tomorrow night and I'm quite nervous about it. Don't want to let people down again though. It's just a quick meal at the pub so should be fine.

Just feel like I can't enjoy life at the moment and scared that I will be like this forever. It's a horrible feeling.

When you're adjusting to a new dose, they can make you feel a bit spaced out, queasy, light headed and also anxious too.

Don't avoid social situations of poss, as it can pretty soon become a habit mate.

Just don't " speed " drink to counter the anxiety, as you'll feel like crap tommorow.

Enjoy the company, enjoy the food and give yourself a massive pat on the back for doing something positive mate x
Can feel myself starting to slip back into depression. I felt was good for several months but just had some university results back and they're not good. I thought I'd be able to put it to the back of my mind, wait for the referral tasks (simpler assessments to get a pass mark, basically) to come in the coming month or so and stay happy in the meantime but I just feel crushed. The results mean I can pretty much kiss goodbye to a decent final grade for my degree; a 2:1 or above, which is what employers nearly always specify as a minimum.
20k+ debt already, not sure if doing the final year will be worth it at this point.

Don't know what to do
its ruined me to be honest

Can feel myself starting to slip back into depression. I felt was good for several months but just had some university results back and they're not good. I thought I'd be able to put it to the back of my mind, wait for the referral tasks (simpler assessments to get a pass mark, basically) to come in the coming month or so and stay happy in the meantime but I just feel crushed. The results mean I can pretty much kiss goodbye to a decent final grade for my degree; a 2:1 or above, which is what employers nearly always specify as a minimum.
20k+ debt already, not sure if doing the final year will be worth it at this point.

Don't know what to do
its ruined me to be honest

Can you not resit mate ?
When you're adjusting to a new dose, they can make you feel a bit spaced out, queasy, light headed and also anxious too.

Don't avoid social situations of poss, as it can pretty soon become a habit mate.

Just don't " speed " drink to counter the anxiety, as you'll feel like crap tommorow.

Enjoy the company, enjoy the food and give yourself a massive pat on the back for doing something positive mate x

Thanks for the advice mate.

I guess I've never really settled at a dose. I've moved from 20mg to 30mg to 40mg in the last 6 weeks.

I will definitely go tomorrow. I have been avoiding social situations for years and it has definitely become a habit. It's a big step for me tomorrow. I don't even know what it is I'm worried about.

Is your lad doing any better?
Can you not resit mate ?
That's what the referral tasks are, but they're capped at the pass-mark (40%). I need 60% for a 2:1 degree classification.
Just did a check, I would have to get no less than 65.5% on all of my assignments in my final year to get a 2:1... Not impossible but its a big ask for a colossal f up like me
Thanks for the advice mate.

I guess I've never really settled at a dose. I've moved from 20mg to 30mg to 40mg in the last 6 weeks.

I will definitely go tomorrow. I have been avoiding social situations for years and it has definitely become a habit. It's a big step for me tomorrow. I don't even know what it is I'm worried about.

Is your lad doing any better?

Thanks very much for asking mate.

We got a new puppy on Sunday for him, as we had to do something. He was making himself ill with grief and it seemed to be getting worse if not better.

He's made up with the new pup, but is still crying every now and again over the old dog.

Hopefully it's the start of him getting back in track.

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