I've said loads of times in here that I've suffered anxiety and depression over the years, pretty much as far back as I remember and I've always found it easy to give advice and try to help people, whilst not really admitting the full extent of my own issues.
I had a night out last night and was with good people having a laugh and not feeling overly anxious, then it was like someone flicked a switch and I just wanted to go home and lost all interest in everyone and everything to do with the night out. I wasn't drinking so it wasn't triggered by alcohol and I've woke up this morning with it playing on my mind quite a lot. I also started getting anxious about if every one else was enjoying themselves, every pause in conversation felt like an age and I started getting anxious about whether I'd said something wrong, despite in reality it being about 5 seconds of silence.
I think I placed so much pressure on myself to make sure that everyone had a good time that it just did my head in, I'm meant to be seeing the same group of friends today before they head home and just have no interest in it at all.
I've waffled a bit and I don't really like sharing this stuff publicly, so I don't feel overly comfortable posting it but yeah, there we are.
That`s the thing with anxiety mate, it can just strike at anytime and for no reason.
I reckon everyone who has problems with it, will have found themselves in the exact same situation many many times - I know I have.
The trick is managing it when it happens, which can be incredibly hard in social situations like you`ve described. You can`t just announce that you`re going without giving a good reason and you`re hardly likely to tell everyone you`re having an anxiety attack either !.
I`m always tempted to " power drink " through it, in the hope that the ale will calm me down, which just leads to a day of crippling anxiety the day after.
Hopefully you were just having a bad day and it won`t happen again.
Console yourself with the fact, that if the others were all pissed, they won`t have noticed and hopefully today hasn`t been too bad for you.