Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

I've said loads of times in here that I've suffered anxiety and depression over the years, pretty much as far back as I remember and I've always found it easy to give advice and try to help people, whilst not really admitting the full extent of my own issues.

I had a night out last night and was with good people having a laugh and not feeling overly anxious, then it was like someone flicked a switch and I just wanted to go home and lost all interest in everyone and everything to do with the night out. I wasn't drinking so it wasn't triggered by alcohol and I've woke up this morning with it playing on my mind quite a lot. I also started getting anxious about if every one else was enjoying themselves, every pause in conversation felt like an age and I started getting anxious about whether I'd said something wrong, despite in reality it being about 5 seconds of silence.

I think I placed so much pressure on myself to make sure that everyone had a good time that it just did my head in, I'm meant to be seeing the same group of friends today before they head home and just have no interest in it at all.

I've waffled a bit and I don't really like sharing this stuff publicly, so I don't feel overly comfortable posting it but yeah, there we are.

That`s the thing with anxiety mate, it can just strike at anytime and for no reason.

I reckon everyone who has problems with it, will have found themselves in the exact same situation many many times - I know I have.

The trick is managing it when it happens, which can be incredibly hard in social situations like you`ve described. You can`t just announce that you`re going without giving a good reason and you`re hardly likely to tell everyone you`re having an anxiety attack either !.

I`m always tempted to " power drink " through it, in the hope that the ale will calm me down, which just leads to a day of crippling anxiety the day after.

Hopefully you were just having a bad day and it won`t happen again.

Console yourself with the fact, that if the others were all pissed, they won`t have noticed and hopefully today hasn`t been too bad for you.

I've said loads of times in here that I've suffered anxiety and depression over the years, pretty much as far back as I remember and I've always found it easy to give advice and try to help people, whilst not really admitting the full extent of my own issues.

I had a night out last night and was with good people having a laugh and not feeling overly anxious, then it was like someone flicked a switch and I just wanted to go home and lost all interest in everyone and everything to do with the night out. I wasn't drinking so it wasn't triggered by alcohol and I've woke up this morning with it playing on my mind quite a lot. I also started getting anxious about if every one else was enjoying themselves, every pause in conversation felt like an age and I started getting anxious about whether I'd said something wrong, despite in reality it being about 5 seconds of silence.

I think I placed so much pressure on myself to make sure that everyone had a good time that it just did my head in, I'm meant to be seeing the same group of friends today before they head home and just have no interest in it at all.

I've waffled a bit and I don't really like sharing this stuff publicly, so I don't feel overly comfortable posting it but yeah, there we are.

I can relate to the part about feeling as though a switch has been flicked in your head. Often when I am out somewhere, particularly a social situation I get the same feeling. Then I know there is no way back and I start planning my exit. It's one of the reasons I avoid social situations I think.

Also the feelings of guilt, usually happens with me on the way home. I'll be convinced I've said or done something wrong.

I don't really have any answers I'm afraid. Good on you for posting mate.
is it possible my brain is rotting away? i was playing crash bandicoot for old times sake. a level i could beat in a few minutes when i was 10 has taken me 2 hours. i didn't even get past it, i gave up. i can't think on the spot anymore, takes me a while to even word a paragraph properly. is it possible that working on a pc all day has completely ruined my brain? i'm seriously considering going uni to do a degree in something that doesn't involve computing at all. that, and taking a hugee break from using any tech devices, or even watching tv. it's massively annoying, i enjoy the job i do and i'm happy with the pay. but it feels that the way i'm going my brain is going to completely freeze up until the point it can't function at all anymore.
I can relate to the part about feeling as though a switch has been flicked in your head. Often when I am out somewhere, particularly a social situation I get the same feeling. Then I know there is no way back and I start planning my exit. It's one of the reasons I avoid social situations I think.

Also the feelings of guilt, usually happens with me on the way home. I'll be convinced I've said or done something wrong.

I don't really have any answers I'm afraid. Good on you for posting mate.

I don't think this is really a bad thing. It is different, and I'm the same way. I don't think it's anything to worry about to be honest. I think it's probably just monotony. If I go out with the same people I grew up with, I'm always thinking about how am I getting out of this. But if I'm out with a new girl or someone, I'll be a bit more careless. I don't think this is a bad thing, perhaps I don't understand it as well as I think I do.
The funeral is on Friday. I've written a eulogy about mum as a nanny, with help from the kids. I just hope I'm strong enough to read it. I've also started going through all of the financial stuff, which is going to take time. I can't wait until all of this is over, I wake up every morning with a tense feeling like I've broken my neck! I'm sure it will get easier, but I just want to sort things out for dad now.

I don't know if this is the right place to discuss but has anyone here ever felt completely isolated? The feeling that you don't fit in anywhere and don't know how to change the situation for the feeling of then not having to be yourself just to be noticed?

Currently in a situation where the only people who I talk to regularly are my parents, no contact from anybody on social media or anything like that. Granted, im not a regular user of those things...when I have spoken first to people I know , the conversation is usually very brief, with them responding with a "ha ha" or something similar, the feeling that they don't want to talk much and a "how's it going" or "congrats" on achievement of some sort is a one way conversation.

I have sort of taken a step back socially, basically I got tired of people using me and not being genuine friends, plus I feel the whole Facebook/twitter is a ego massager for some and I'm not a fan of that.

I took some time to look at myself, who am I, what am I doing wrong, how can I be better and what wrongs have been done to me, question if I am just one of those people who just don't fit in and have to accept it, that sort of stuff.

Apathy has also creeped in, enthusiasm for Everton, movies, music, other hobbies have waned a lot. I have had my ups and downs in the past but this is the strangest and most isolated period I have felt in my life.

Thinking about seeing my GP about it, if he can give me any advice or recommend someone to talk to.
I don't know if this is the right place to discuss but has anyone here ever felt completely isolated? The feeling that you don't fit in anywhere and don't know how to change the situation for the feeling of then not having to be yourself just to be noticed?

Currently in a situation where the only people who I talk to regularly are my parents, no contact from anybody on social media or anything like that. Granted, im not a regular user of those things...when I have spoken first to people I know , the conversation is usually very brief, with them responding with a "ha ha" or something similar, the feeling that they don't want to talk much and a "how's it going" or "congrats" on achievement of some sort is a one way conversation.

I have sort of taken a step back socially, basically I got tired of people using me and not being genuine friends, plus I feel the whole Facebook/twitter is a ego massager for some and I'm not a fan of that.

I took some time to look at myself, who am I, what am I doing wrong, how can I be better and what wrongs have been done to me, question if I am just one of those people who just don't fit in and have to accept it, that sort of stuff.

Apathy has also creeped in, enthusiasm for Everton, movies, music, other hobbies have waned a lot. I have had my ups and downs in the past but this is the strangest and most isolated period I have felt in my life.

Thinking about seeing my GP about it, if he can give me any advice or recommend someone to talk to.
From what you`re describing mate, you`ve almost got txt book depression.

The social withdrawal, lack of interest / apathy for things that you previously enjoyed are the things that suggest this.

There doesn`t have to be a reason for it, as it can just happen, same as any illness.

It`s to your credit that you`ve recognised it early on.

I`d go to see your GP and explain to her / him what you`ve posted on here.

Don`t be scared to open up, as your GP will have had a lot of experience over the years.

You`ll be probably be started on a low dose of anti depressants for a few wks and called back for a review.

What they are designed to do is re balance the chemicals in your brain that possibly may be causing you to feel like this.

It`s not an exact science, so bear with them, as they take a few weeks to kick in.

Let us know how you get on x
From what you`re describing mate, you`ve almost got txt book depression.

The social withdrawal, lack of interest / apathy for things that you previously enjoyed are the things that suggest this.

There doesn`t have to be a reason for it, as it can just happen, same as any illness.

It`s to your credit that you`ve recognised it early on.

I`d go to see your GP and explain to her / him what you`ve posted on here.

Don`t be scared to open up, as your GP will have had a lot of experience over the years.

You`ll be probably be started on a low dose of anti depressants for a few wks and called back for a review.

What they are designed to do is re balance the chemicals in your brain that possibly may be causing you to feel like this.

It`s not an exact science, so bear with them, as they take a few weeks to kick in.

Let us know how you get on x

Nice one
I don't know if this is the right place to discuss but has anyone here ever felt completely isolated? The feeling that you don't fit in anywhere and don't know how to change the situation for the feeling of then not having to be yourself just to be noticed?

Currently in a situation where the only people who I talk to regularly are my parents, no contact from anybody on social media or anything like that. Granted, im not a regular user of those things...when I have spoken first to people I know , the conversation is usually very brief, with them responding with a "ha ha" or something similar, the feeling that they don't want to talk much and a "how's it going" or "congrats" on achievement of some sort is a one way conversation.

I have sort of taken a step back socially, basically I got tired of people using me and not being genuine friends, plus I feel the whole Facebook/twitter is a ego massager for some and I'm not a fan of that.

I took some time to look at myself, who am I, what am I doing wrong, how can I be better and what wrongs have been done to me, question if I am just one of those people who just don't fit in and have to accept it, that sort of stuff.

Apathy has also creeped in, enthusiasm for Everton, movies, music, other hobbies have waned a lot. I have had my ups and downs in the past but this is the strangest and most isolated period I have felt in my life.

Thinking about seeing my GP about it, if he can give me any advice or recommend someone to talk to.

Facebook is a nightmare mate. I've read alot about it (casually), the articles all point to the same thing...it contributes to low mood. A quick scroll through Facebook will make you think that everyone has it better than you.

I agree with what @COYBL25 has said, book in with your GP and explain what you've posted here.

Keep us updated.
As I always thought, if it’s the correct treatment for the person they do work well. Key is not overprescribing, and also accepting that a bit of trial and error is sometimes needed. Citalopram may work for me, but you may need fluoxetine for example.


Earlier today, I had an interesting chat with a friend of mine, who is working through depression and substance abuse -it's led to a complete crushing of his medical career and reputation as a leading professional in his specialty. I've been fighting a recurrence of depression and need to schedule some visits with a counselor who has done right be me in the past.

My friend totally busted me for thinking that I was "smarter" that my depression - that I could somehow magically will my way out, work my way out, "buck up", "deal with it", etc. all by myself and it would magically work. I've felt similarly before and been disabused of that notion. Time to get back to work on this. Thus, my scheduling a (large) series of visits with a counselor.

Just when you think you've got it all worked out.....life comes along and smacks you in the @$$......
Last night this happened again. It was the first time we'd seen each other in four months.

He has beat the **** out of me and now I've got a black eye.

We went together and I mentioned his 'girlfriend' and he flipped.
This has been a year to the day, a date that has stayed etched in my mind.

Can’t believe how different this year has been. I haven’t seen him since then, despite his attempts to meet up. I feel like a different person to the one that wrote that post.

It’s been a struggle, but now I’m feeling so confident. I don’t rely on anyone else to make me happy anymore. I don’t feel like I need counselling and I can deal with my problems alone. I would never let anyone treat me that way again.

I think it is always important to remember that when things feel like they can’t get any worse and you’ll be stuck in that situation forever, time doesn’t hang around for anyone. It is a great healer and what is the end of your world one day, may not be an issue in a year’s time.

I remember every single minute of that day I’ve quoted. The person who I loved more than anyone had just brutally beaten me and I thought I would never feel like I’m worth anything again. I was wrong.

In hindsight, I believe that day has changed my life forever. I had two options: to fall to pieces, or carry on and just try make each day a bit better than the last. That’s still something I’m doing now and long may it continue.

I hope everyone else is getting on okay in their lives;)
This has been a year to the day, a date that has stayed etched in my mind.

Can’t believe how different this year has been. I haven’t seen him since then, despite his attempts to meet up. I feel like a different person to the one that wrote that post.

It’s been a struggle, but now I’m feeling so confident. I don’t rely on anyone else to make me happy anymore. I don’t feel like I need counselling and I can deal with my problems alone. I would never let anyone treat me that way again.

I think it is always important to remember that when things feel like they can’t get any worse and you’ll be stuck in that situation forever, time doesn’t hang around for anyone. It is a great healer and what is the end of your world one day, may not be an issue in a year’s time.

I remember every single minute of that day I’ve quoted. The person who I loved more than anyone had just brutally beaten me and I thought I would never feel like I’m worth anything again. I was wrong.

In hindsight, I believe that day has changed my life forever. I had two options: to fall to pieces, or carry on and just try make each day a bit better than the last. That’s still something I’m doing now and long may it continue.

I hope everyone else is getting on okay in their lives;)

Made up for you mate.

Good news stories always brighten this thread up and I`d wager that they give those that lurk and don`t post, take something from them too ;)
This has been a year to the day, a date that has stayed etched in my mind.

Can’t believe how different this year has been. I haven’t seen him since then, despite his attempts to meet up. I feel like a different person to the one that wrote that post.

It’s been a struggle, but now I’m feeling so confident. I don’t rely on anyone else to make me happy anymore. I don’t feel like I need counselling and I can deal with my problems alone. I would never let anyone treat me that way again.

I think it is always important to remember that when things feel like they can’t get any worse and you’ll be stuck in that situation forever, time doesn’t hang around for anyone. It is a great healer and what is the end of your world one day, may not be an issue in a year’s time.

I remember every single minute of that day I’ve quoted. The person who I loved more than anyone had just brutally beaten me and I thought I would never feel like I’m worth anything again. I was wrong.

In hindsight, I believe that day has changed my life forever. I had two options: to fall to pieces, or carry on and just try make each day a bit better than the last. That’s still something I’m doing now and long may it continue.

I hope everyone else is getting on okay in their lives;)
Well in mate, great to hear ;)
The funeral is on Friday. I've written a eulogy about mum as a nanny, with help from the kids. I just hope I'm strong enough to read it. I've also started going through all of the financial stuff, which is going to take time. I can't wait until all of this is over, I wake up every morning with a tense feeling like I've broken my neck! I'm sure it will get easier, but I just want to sort things out for dad now.
Condolences mate. Today is the 8th anniversary of my mums passing. Time is definitly a healer but you will go through the whole range of emotions, grief, anger and pain will run a road through you. I felt guilt at laughing at things after my mum had died , but then you realise those are things that made your mum love you so much and vice versa. I know you have to be strong for your dad but make sure you take time for yourself to allow the feelings in and out.


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