I've ruined everything for myself.
Its the water of a ducks back moment you could say - as i've realised fully how deep routed my issues lie.
I've broken down on the way home after dropping my cousin off back at his at 2:30am.
I manipulated a situation to allow him to stay for the night.
It just so happened my dads car broke down so I used the situation to prolong him staying.
The reality is my dads car did break down, but we went the match (late I should add) and he could easily have been dropped off, instead he stayed at lours with my mum.
His mum (also my cousin) messaged asking where he was - so stated car was still broken will be getting the train - this at say 10 o'clock now.
I did genuinely go to the train, and my stupidity misread the train times. I thought the last train was 10:33pm (22:33pm) it was 23:33am.
We missed the last train and that was not through want or lack or trying as we went the station. I took and sent the train times to his mum with the crappy message its been a bullshit day and we've missed the train.
His mum saw the train times and was worried massively as it didn't add up with the picture I send - long story short the police etc have been looking for us. In the end she managed to contact someone who contacted us. and the I spoke with his mum on the phone.
The words i'm looking for don't comprehend what happen as I've tried to engineer a situation to benefit myself, at the same time I know I am massive help to my cousin (thats not my assumption i've been told).
Safe to assume its all down the pan and I've lost someone who means the absolute world to me, and has unknowing to himself been a massive support for me. The idiot inside of me is looking at this and going wtf, why? It would be making excuses to say me not seeing him for x amount of weeks has pushed me back in my shell - i've always known that every week or so there is a chance of him staying over. Alas since he was under an indefinite punishment he hasn't been allowed to see of speak with anyone (at least relative to me).
I've not had an outlet to be myself, i've not had the opportunity to be myself on the weekend, i've just locked myself up.
Reality is there is more to my perception of myself, and like I said when I broke down in the car coming home - its all spilled out.
I was tottering on saying things but always hide away from talking about it - at the same time I don't think I would have been as expressive as I have been.
This looks like a post of 'I' this 'I' that - end of the day this was my doing and I feel like i'm making excuses for myself.
Its selfish. i've lied and its manipulative what i've done yesterday/today, and lets be I care more now because I feel like i've lost my cousin.
I've known him since September of my brothers wedding, and he has become a level of responsibility that i've embraced, a level of comfort in myself, and I don't think I ever cared to admit it to anyone beforehand. There are no written or spoken words that I can express to rebuild any trust with his parents - i've been a t*t.
My only hope is from a negative situation of my causing, something good comes of it - i've spoken out to my dad and lot more openly then what I did with my mum.
I'm hurting inside, but thats a selfish viewpoint after what i've caused I deserve all thats coming my way.
That said my hurt has bubbled over, my issues have been spoken about and are now out in the open with my mum and dad.
I just need to fix this problem, I still need to fix my own fully, but I need this situation sorted.
Irrelevant of everything, me sorting myself out (hopefully) does not alter the fact i've got something with my cousin that I don't want to loose.
I've done him no favours and i'm meant to be the responsible one - I feel like complete and utter sh*te with whats happened, but the get real siuation is I caused it, look at the pain I must have caused his mum and dad. I've a kn*bhead.
I was genuine in thinking i'd missed the last train - but behind that nope. What I caused and created was for my benefit, so I could enjoy myself again and not hide myself in my room. Its wrong, wrong, wrong what i've done - but i'm lost now with what I can do.
I can type and type, but it won't condense the 4 hour talk I had with my dad in the car - he had to stop multiple times.
I feel if I speak about it to his parents it'll be either dismissed as an excuse, or taken with contempt because look whats happened - its still raw now; I've only just got in the house.
Similarly, I think I am all cried out, so what i'm saying will come over emotionless.
I've finally burst the bubble i've been keeping myself in - so its had the outpouring of crying.
I can compose myself, I can type this, I can say thinks freely, so in my eyes i'll be judged [the general perception by majority of the family is i'm a smartarse, always has the last word, you can't win with me per say] as being callous.
The irony is my t*t brains, has helped me - its created a situation and now i'm in the deep end and need to deal with it because I don't wanna loose him, and to deal with it, I need to deal with myself. It does just seem like a book of excuses, a thread of chatting lies to cover my own back and thats whats eating me up now.
Reality is, had nothing materialised the way it did today I'd not have said anything and just plodded along till the next time I saw him. I am well aware of my actions today, and that makes it 10x's worse. I didn't miss read the time on purpose, I always struggle with 24hr clocks for some odd reason, that just exaggerated the issue.
I know what I done was wrong.
I need his mum and dad to know that i'm sorry [sorry doesn't cut it]
I can't keep making excuses for myself and this isn't a list of excuses.
I think I may have repeated a fair few points etc in this thread, but its all just getting typed without a structure.
I hate myself for what i've done and caused, I hate myself even more for loosing someone I cared a great deal about.
My selfishness, my pig-headed outlook on the situation, trying to benefit myself, and make myself feel better, has caused everyone involved nothing but upset.
I tried to make myself happy, I ruined it for everyone and made things exponentially worse.
Like I said I can only hope its the bubble burst, whereby I take a long look at myself in the mirror [maybe we'll skip the mirror looking] and get my life in order.
When i've spoken with my dad a lot has come out - and lot more than just my perception of myself/appearance - there multiple reasons for why i'm feeling like i have done for the past 2 bit years, and i've just focused on what I can see visually. If I can hide my face, I can hide my problems - incorrect because theres stuff I couldn't see, or maybe could see but didn't acknowledge/make sense of until now. Thats not me saying i've made sense of everything, far from it, its just I know what i've said today, and I said it with clearly with emotion and thought - in my opinion that doesn't happen unless its been waiting to be said.
Its been waiting for the water of a ducks back moment (I think thats the right phrase as i've used it twice now).
But yeah - thank you for being there and letting me type this mountain of thoughts, I just need to fix what I caused... god only knows how