Alright everyone.
I've recently been going to see a someone every week for the past while about my social anxiety, it's something I've had my whole life to varying degrees and last year I came to the realisation that it was one of the key reasons for my depression.
I can't talk to strangers face to face, it leaves me feeling very nervous and uncomfortable which translates in my body language. It's meant my confidence has never been very high and I struggle to do simple things sometimes such as Uni work. I've been seeing a lady from a group called Inclusion Matters, some of you might have heard of them. Every week I go see her in a room and I clam up and go into my shell, I sit there with my arms folded, don't even take my coat off and don't generally say much. She's said that my defensive body language and that I close down under pressure which is correct like.
My point is I'm starting to feel as if the whole thing is a waste of time because I don't come away feeling any better or as if I've learnt something. The therapist is a very nice lady but I find she talks in circles and I can't relate to much of what she says. I tell her how my anxiety effects me, like how if I speak to a stranger how I'll run out of things to say and feel very foolish but she says stuff like "how do you know they'll be thinking that you look stupid?". I obviously don't know that, but I tell her that I can't allow myself to assume anything positive and that's my problem, but again it's just stuff like "they might think you're perfectly normal, stop assuming the worst." But that is the problem, people with anxiety can't help but assume the worst. I just don't find the stuff she tells me helpful to be honest, it feels as if she doesn't understand how bad my problem makes me feel no matter how I explain it. My body language obviously gives off the impression that I'm bored and not listening and I'm starting to get think that she's losing patience with me, but if I don't feel as if I'm gaining anything then how am I supposed to be upbeat?
Does anyone have any advice? Do you think I'm being a miserable arse or am I right to think she's just not getting it? I'm debating on whether to just sod it off but I know if I do then I'll likely never get referred again.