We do try to keep it 'in its own right' in a way.The thread we're in is unique in a way
I half agree with your betting point though. Anyway, let's not debate betting here lol
We do try to keep it 'in its own right' in a way.The thread we're in is unique in a way
Welcome mate.This summer for me has been the hardest in years because honesty I have such an uncertainty in my life at the minute. I just finished school and I'm waiting to get my results back to see if I get into college and honestly I'm afraid that I didn't do well enough for it and I know for a fact my family are going to be so disappointed and angry about it. On top of that presuming I make it to college I'm living away from all my friends as we'd be going to different places and because I've never "mixed" all too well socially I'm scared of how it's all going to go and maybe that I might lose contact with my friends currently. It's just a massive fear for me, sort of a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation in my eyes.
Welcome mate.
You are going to find it difficult to accept what I tell you now, as it was probably normal for most of us at 19, but believe me, your best times in your life are about to begin now that your schooling days have finished
Your feelings of uncertainty and fear at the moment are very normal. Once again, most of us have been there.
Have some faith in what I, and many others in here, will tell you. You are entering an exciting time in your life. Your family will,hopefully, support you through any good or bad. Regardless of your results, there are always options. There is no finality.
As with most things in life, it's the waiting in limbo and excessive thinking that is the worst.Cheers for the reply lad. I know, I really wanna be excited for what's to come and part of me thinks that all this worrying is nonsense and that I've gotten what I've needed fairly easily but another part of me is setting me up for failure even before I begin. I just hope once my results do come that there'll at least be some sort of closure I guess is the word. If I did well then I can be happy but then again the whole separation from friends thing kicks into play and if I did badly then look I guess I'll look for other options I suppose. But it's just the waiting and uncertainty that is what's driving me mad u know.
There is no rule about what can be input into this thread. All we ask is that people take it seriously & be respectful.Hey lads. I've written and rewritten this a few times in my mind already and honestly I can't get it right so sorry if this post seems a bit off or scatterbrained. I've only joined here recently but have always been aware of this thread and that ye lads are helpful and understanding of things so I've always had the intention of coming on here and talking about some of my issues but I've never really disclosed anything like that in many ways especially not a public forum such as this.
Basically and as you might tell by my pic on here I'm just a 19 year old lad who really struggles with emotions, depression and anxiety, all the fun stuff. I've actually been dealing with these issues since about the start of my teens and honestly it's taken a toll.
Obviously there are a few different key things that contribute to these feelings and I know exactly what they are and why I'm being effected by them but honestly I'd prefer not to divulge them publicly.
This summer for me has been the hardest in years because honesty I have such an uncertainty in my life at the minute. I just finished school and I'm waiting to get my results back to see if I get into college and honestly I'm afraid that I didn't do well enough for it and I know for a fact my family are going to be so disappointed and angry about it. On top of that presuming I make it to college I'm living away from all my friends as we'd be going to different places and because I've never "mixed" all too well socially I'm scared of how it's all going to go and maybe that I might lose contact with my friends currently. It's just a massive fear for me, sort of a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation in my eyes.
Honestly the best thing going on in my life is actually Everton. Through everything I've been through really the club has been my "constant". I mean I was at my first game at Goodison just this past year for my birthday and even though we lost, to West Brom no less, it was the happiest I've been in honestly years. Obviously the club had a bad 2 years but it didn't matter to me, I knew no matter how crap my day was going that come the weekend there'll be a match on that will take my mind off it and might even lift my spirits a bit. It was just such a help and I think honestly as sad as it sounds that's another reason why my summer is seemingly worse because I don't have the football club to take my mind off of other things.
Sorry if this post was just rambling or anything like that I just felt like tonight I finally had to say something to someone (albeit I know this is just a forum) because I've not been feeling good at all. I'm sorry also if this isn't the place for something like this as well, I kinda took the thread to maybe mean that but if it's not posts like this that are supposed to be on here I'll remove it no problem.
Anyways that's me and all my glory blues sorry again for the long rambling post![]()
As with most things in life, it's the waiting in limbo and excessive thinking that is the worst.
Hang in there a bit longer![]()
There is no rule about what can be input into this thread. All we ask is that people take it seriously & be respectful.
Kithnou is right, there should be exciting times ahead for you, though it probably is hard to see it right now. I can't comment on your families reaction obviously, but sometimes they may just surprise you.
As for heading to College, you've stated how you find it difficult to mix, well you may just go cold turkey on this & open up your horizons...who knows? Let the events unfold & deal with them one at a time. You don't need to have all the answers right now, live for the moment while these things are falling into place & enjoy being 19.
Normal, not nonsense. Just remember to be your true self, avoid trying to be someone you're not. If they like you as you, great, potential friends for life. Iv they don't get on with you, Cest la vie!Hopefully it's just a case of me getting along with my housemates from the beginning and me remembering this whole time worrying as nonsense but there is the fear of if a good first impression isn't made then it may be a long year for me u know. I'll try to be positive about it or at least not think of the most negative scenario straight away. Thanks.
Hey mate. In four days it will be 1 year since I "left" my full time job. I'm doing some casual work here & there but like you, I'm keen on full time. Keep an eye out for casual or short term roles to keep yourself in the work force. Maybe some volunteering? Looks good to prospective employers & shows that you've not been sitting at home watching the idiot box!!im getting seriously depressed not having a job does anybody know anywhere who are taking on or anything? would be a big help
PM sent mate.im getting seriously depressed not having a job does anybody know anywhere who are taking on or anything? would be a big help
Hey lads. I've written and rewritten this a few times in my mind already and honestly I can't get it right so sorry if this post seems a bit off or scatterbrained. I've only joined here recently but have always been aware of this thread and that ye lads are helpful and understanding of things so I've always had the intention of coming on here and talking about some of my issues but I've never really disclosed anything like that in many ways especially not a public forum such as this.
Basically and as you might tell by my pic on here I'm just a 19 year old lad who really struggles with emotions, depression and anxiety, all the fun stuff. I've actually been dealing with these issues since about the start of my teens and honestly it's taken a toll.
Obviously there are a few different key things that contribute to these feelings and I know exactly what they are and why I'm being effected by them but honestly I'd prefer not to divulge them publicly.
This summer for me has been the hardest in years because honesty I have such an uncertainty in my life at the minute. I just finished school and I'm waiting to get my results back to see if I get into college and honestly I'm afraid that I didn't do well enough for it and I know for a fact my family are going to be so disappointed and angry about it. On top of that presuming I make it to college I'm living away from all my friends as we'd be going to different places and because I've never "mixed" all too well socially I'm scared of how it's all going to go and maybe that I might lose contact with my friends currently. It's just a massive fear for me, sort of a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation in my eyes.
Honestly the best thing going on in my life is actually Everton. Through everything I've been through really the club has been my "constant". I mean I was at my first game at Goodison just this past year for my birthday and even though we lost, to West Brom no less, it was the happiest I've been in honestly years. Obviously the club had a bad 2 years but it didn't matter to me, I knew no matter how crap my day was going that come the weekend there'll be a match on that will take my mind off it and might even lift my spirits a bit. It was just such a help and I think honestly as sad as it sounds that's another reason why my summer is seemingly worse because I don't have the football club to take my mind off of other things.
Sorry if this post was just rambling or anything like that I just felt like tonight I finally had to say something to someone (albeit I know this is just a forum) because I've not been feeling good at all. I'm sorry also if this isn't the place for something like this as well, I kinda took the thread to maybe mean that but if it's not posts like this that are supposed to be on here I'll remove it no problem.
Anyways that's me and all my glory blues sorry again for the long rambling post![]()
What kind of jobs are you interested in? It took me two years to find a job after I took redundancy from my last one. I applied for loads, had loads of interviews all of which said "we really liked you but........" Eventually got a job I really like, have been there four months now. So don't give up, keep applying.im getting seriously depressed not having a job does anybody know anywhere who are taking on or anything? would be a big help