Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

I don't know exactly the nature of the last few comments on counselling but if it's of interest to anyone here's my tuppence worth.
Since self referring some sixteen or so weeks ago, I have had three face to face sessions with a counsellor who is attempting to ease my acute anxiety. If I'm honest, I didn't really have any fears about opening up to essentially a complete stranger about my issues. I put my faith in the guy having the professional werewithall to understand my problems.
The guy I'm seeing is ex services and just has a natural gift to immediately put you at ease. You take things at your pace and are never forced into a corner to cone up with answers. Between sessions I have been given work sheets to complete and they themselves are a massive help. I was told from the outset that maybe six sessions would ge enough and that seems to be a reasonable shout. I am asked to complete the PHQ9 GAD7 and Phobia scales in at each attendance which all demonstrate improvements.
In short then, don't be concerned you're in capable hands.

Ta mate, same. i've no issue opening up. it's how much i open up slightly concerns me. I'm a good reader of people and will be able to tell if they are taking me serious or i'm just another statistic, i'll inadvertently/subconsciously cut them off and refuse to engage if i don't think i'm being taking seriously.
Well Bryan, I do quite enjoy reading your post on other threads. Each post people bring on here insightful, funny, knob head post... they all brighten my day. Just do you man. Seems like you have a solid plan and progressing to your goals. If you need anything, just let me know. Happy to help, talk, anything.
and you mentioned exercise on the 16th I believe. What kind of exercise you do?

Ta mate, same. i've no issue opening up. it's how much i open up slightly concerns me. I'm a good reader of people and will be able to tell if they are taking me serious or i'm just another statistic, i'll inadvertently/subconsciously cut them off and refuse to engage if i don't think i'm being taking seriously.
Yes, I totally get that.
I'm sure that they're in that profession to help others though, and not bean counters.
Good luck.
Update, 6 weeks on. He's been doing really well on the medication and he continues to improve. He's now desperate to transfer schools and start a fresh. He hasn't gone back to school yet as he won't go back to his old school. Our appeal date was next Wednesday and that was going to be a massive day for us as a family. However, we got a phone call on Thursday to say he now has a place at the new school. He's really happy and wants to move on now. We are still waiting for a date and I fear any issues he might have may cause a setback but I'm just hoping he can start school, settle in and get on with his life. This has weighed on the whole family for the last three years now and we just want to be happy again.

Thanks again to all who've offered advice and support.
So happy for you all. Great to hear your update

Counselling really is what you put into it. However its non judgemental and allows you to discharge your feelings to someone who wont feel hurt by what they hear, which can sometimes be the case with family and friends. Just get yourself to the place and then into the room anyway you can. Expect to feel tired/fatigued and emotional that is normal. Bryan good luck fellow blue, as Evertonians life is not supposed to be easy.
Send me ya PayPal if you do actually need it
While you're feeling generous i'd love a new PC. Thanks mate! :P
@MrD haven't heard from you in a while my friend.
Hey Grinch. Yeah sorry mate. Been on and off the internet for a little while. I quit social media last week as it's not too healthy for me personally. Been off here too for a little bit. No real reason. Just didn't want to bore everyone with my story.

Hope you're well. As always thanks for thinking about me!
Well, my ex messaged me earlier telling me she wants the car back (she owns it but as it's a 2nd car she let me use it after we split up). She wants it back by November.

I'm going to be buggered here without a car, the buses in North Wales are shocking and the babies school is a few miles away through country lanes etc. I can't afford to buy a car so when she takes it back I will be struggling to get to my universal credit appointments and everything else I need to do.

Also, she said she wants the BluRays back that she paid for over the years even though she never has and never will watch them.

She's getting on my nerves!

Sorry to complain again. I'm just skint and now going to be car-less with a 3 year old who I won't be able to do much with.

Well, my ex messaged me earlier telling me she wants the car back (she owns it but as it's a 2nd car she let me use it after we split up). She wants it back by November.

I'm going to be buggered here without a car, the buses in North Wales are shocking and the babies school is a few miles away through country lanes etc. I can't afford to buy a car so when she takes it back I will be struggling to get to my universal credit appointments and everything else I need to do.

Also, she said she wants the BluRays back that she paid for over the years even though she never has and never will watch them.

She's getting on my nerves!

Sorry to complain again. I'm just skint and now going to be car-less with a 3 year old who I won't be able to do much with.
Shes just trying to eat you away. Don't let it get to you. As aggervating as it may be, public transportation isn't the worst. You could always invest in a bike to get around depending on the area. You could get one for the little girl too with some training wheels :) Just keep that head up because you are doing fantastic! A lot of bright spots in your life in the past few weeks
Shes just trying to eat you away. Don't let it get to you. As aggervating as it may be, public transportation isn't the worst. You could always invest in a bike to get around depending on the area. You could get one for the little girl too with some training wheels :) Just keep that head up because you are doing fantastic! A lot of bright spots in your life in the past few weeks
Thanks mate. It's just the bus schedules here are so bad. 1 bus every 2 hours sometimes. it's hard to plan things. I have a bike, i'm going to have to get it out of the shed and service it as it's not been ridden for years! hehe

Thanks for the continued support though.
Having a bad day, had a bad week in fact.

Today I've realised an error has been made. It was not my original error, it's just I didnt spot the error when I should have and now it's probably going to fall on me and that is Peeing me off.

I've been P'd off for a little bit, I've felt disrespected. Getting told off for talking to my colleagues again, literally just bits and bobs to make conversation and help the day flow. Yet others chat away all day, very loudly as well, about their personal lives or plans and nothing is said. Yet when I try to be social I'm smacked down, that's what it feels like. That in turn leads me to withdraw within myself and when you're trapped in your own head mistakes can happen when you're doing something that requires maximum concentration.

It has really angered and upset me but my worry is if I raise it as a way to defend myself it will just cause more fires. Really really unhappy.
had an appointment at the docs today but cancelled it due to the fact im already feeling much more myself back on citalopram..

the nightmares seem to have subsided ... still get weird dreams but nowt like the horrors before.

im actually chomping at the bit to get to October 18th and the start of my hgv learner driving ..

I need something to focus on, I feel once I pass this test (all being well ) then I can ease myself back into work and some normality. I will sign up for an agency and do a few days here and there to start with. I don't want the pressure of a fulltime job straight off the bat, it would just be way too much pressure, which I don't cope well with..

all in all, im back on track after a disasterus couple of months
Having a bad day, had a bad week in fact.

Today I've realised an error has been made. It was not my original error, it's just I didnt spot the error when I should have and now it's probably going to fall on me and that is Peeing me off.

I've been P'd off for a little bit, I've felt disrespected. Getting told off for talking to my colleagues again, literally just bits and bobs to make conversation and help the day flow. Yet others chat away all day, very loudly as well, about their personal lives or plans and nothing is said. Yet when I try to be social I'm smacked down, that's what it feels like. That in turn leads me to withdraw within myself and when you're trapped in your own head mistakes can happen when you're doing something that requires maximum concentration.

It has really angered and upset me but my worry is if I raise it as a way to defend myself it will just cause more fires. Really really unhappy.

from reading a lot of your posts I think you tend to worry quite a lot , and most of the time its over little things that don't actually mean all that much at the end of the day... I used to worry about miniscule stuff and eat my own head to bits, its horrible and hard to stop it.

ive found the meds have helped quite abit with this.

I hope im not totally off the mark here @COYBL25

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