As previously mentioned out of a sad situation what a lovely story and what a fantastic family you must have.A difficult time. I lost my father to a car crash and my mother a couple months later in childbirth when I was not yet 6 years old (1973). Today would have been my father's 75th birthday and I have been in a funk about it all day. I'm blessed beyond belief to have been raised by my father's brother and his wife whom I called Dad and Mom as they integrated me nearly flawlessly into their family where cousins became siblings and remain so to this day. But I remember my first Dad especially on days like this. It still hurts.
You all are such a wonderful community and I also feel blessed to have found GOT and EFC. Thank you for giving me space to somewhat anonymously vent my pain. It'll pass. Especially made possible when given room by friends to share.
Thank you all.
You are more than entitled to have days where you feel sad for your losses and it's nice you feel comfortable enough in this environment to share your uplifting story.