Hells Angels Forever (1983)
A vintage look inside the notorious biker club that has a series of interviews with biker members, their stoned broads, police officials and curious onlookers. Loads of boss footage of old early '80's grimy NYC and some priceless interviews with psychos like "Big Vinny" of the NYC chapter. Big Vinny would be long dead by the time this documentary was released - he was battered at the hands of another Hells Angel and died later of internal injuries. The reason for such savagery? He had apparently lashed his pregnant bird off a high building, instantly killing her.
So although this documentary seems relatively tame in it's portrayal of the notorious HA (it was in fact commissioned by the club a a promotional piece) , it does feature some absolute headcases.
Hardly cuddly fellows then but fascinating to see how feared they were back then. A lot of them were Vietnam Veterans, many were of extreme right-wing political leanings. It's said that if you wanted to hold a large rock concert in the US in the last 60's and early 70's, you needed the blessing and involvement of Sonny Barger, head of the HAMC. Otherwise the band would get terrored, the gear and amps would get smashed up and the fans attending the gig would get a good hiding.
A great bunch of lads!!!