There are a few ways you can interpret what he is saying but don't think his spokewoman really helps with her "clarification" if she reallh said this...
Katrina Pierson's long-awaited explanation: Trump was saying an assassination "could" happen, not that it "should" happen.
dude fox news didnt even show the speech by the khans at the dnc they're despicable scum merchantsOf course Fox News isn't even talking about it.
dude fox news didnt even show the speech by the khans at the dnc their despicable scum merchants
i never know i how i feel bout cnn as its in a conflicted state, they're caught between the archaic relic of the serious journalistic cnn displayed several tears ago and the fox news sensensationalism hat favor tendencies of entertainment over info flooding themediaThankfully CNN is hammering it.
i never know i how i feel bout cnn as its in a conflicted state, they're caught between the archaic relic of the serious journalistic cnn displayed several tears ago and the fox news sensensationalism hat favor tendencies of entertainment over info flooding themedia
that's interesting take cause to me it seemed like cnn was taking a step closer towards the right to counter all accusations of the media having liberbias and also their ratings were being demolished by fox so i saw taking a less fact based approach more concerned about hot topic frivolity over hard hitting news stories oddly mirroring the plot of anchorman in a vague mannerIt's certainly more left leaning than it used to be. Was once the network of actual unbiased journalism. Fox News and their old 'fair and balanced' journalism was never that.
While CNN has not gone full Fox like MSNBC it is defo left leaning...but at least reports actual news.
that's interesting take cause to me it seemed like cnn was taking a step closer towards the right to counter all accusations of the media having liberbias and also their ratings were being demolished by fox so i saw taking a less fact based approach more concerned about hot topic frivolity over hard hitting news stories oddly mirroring the plot of anchorman in a vague manner
There are a few ways you can interpret what he is saying but don't think his spokewoman really helps with her "clarification" if she reallh said this...
Katrina Pierson's long-awaited explanation: Trump was saying an assassination "could" happen, not that it "should" happen.
I am going for my citizenship, in all honesty I'm hoping it comes after the election, I don't like either of these two. Trump comes out with crazy comments, and Hillary should be in prison, she just can't stop lying. Somebody mentioned something about how anybody can vote for Trump I feel exactly the same way about Clinton. I say thanks America for giving me the choice between Clinton or Trump, how on earth did this happen.
Actually no because I am a Legal Permanent Resident. I did it the right way, went through a long drawn out process, interviews and had to wait a while to work, it was hard which is why I ask why should others get the right to do it the wrong way? Do you know when I arrived the phrase 'Illegal Immigrant' was still used, in the 8 yrs you can no longer say that, it has to be undocumented person. My inlaws came from Mexico, my wife is Hispanic and they have all done it the right way.Get out of my country.
Actually no because I am a Legal Permanent Resident. I did it the right way, went through a long drawn out process, interviews and had to wait a while to work, it was hard which is why I ask why should others get the right to do it the wrong way? Do you know when I arrived the phrase 'Illegal Immigrant' was still used, in the 8 yrs you can no longer say that, it has to be undocumented person. My inlaws came from Mexico, my wife is Hispanic and they have all done it the right way.
I agree on much of that, but there are other sides, I work within one of the poorest states in the US and deal with many different scenarios. Many people come here to make a better life for themselves and yes they should be given the chance to make things right. However there is another side, people who have no intention of ever doing that, happy to carry on the way they are.My best friend in the world is an immigrant that did it the right way. It was ridiculous the amount of hoops he and his American wife had to jump through to become a resident.
Our immigration laws are completely backwards from the fundamental idea of this country. The Reps want to make it even tougher to immigrate which is completely against what this great nation was built on.