More denial.
It'll never stop. And it'll never stop, because if you and your lot care to stop and think about it, really think about it - to acknoweldge the unspeakable history of carnage - the other stuff (the football stuff0 would all become worthless.
The base difference between you and me: I support just a football club, you dont. It's that simple. And it's that unalloyed truth you struggle to avoid recognising.
For all your fellow supporters sound and fury about the football side of things and your grand claims about being part of an elite, for all your massive banners and your European nights, and your ultra-behaviour concerning football rivals and football rivalry and claims to "feel it more" - it'll never erase what your club truly came to represent: not football at all; no, not football....Liverpool FC will never be primarily known for football. It's an organisation that will forever be tarnished and shamed by events.
Now, that's not down to you as an individual, you cant be held to blame for a whole organisation. But what is under your control - what you can do - is to at least accept that dimension. Because at the end of the day, football really is nothing in comparison to the issues being talked about here.