The Derby is indeed, proper grim now. Page upon page of calling them vermin, murderers, [Phrase removed] (amongst other things) on here will tell you that.
I get the laughing at them, I get taking the p out of some of their fans on social media platforms etc etc. It's called Banter and it should always be a part of rivalry, as it used to be, but a lot of the stuff on here isn't banter. It's proper hatred.
At the end of the day, they're just football fans, slightly different to us, yes, given the more widespread fanbase.
I dislike the Club, I dislike the media coverage they seem to get. But their fans, by and large are OK, the same as most fans of football clubs, hypocritical, ultra defensive of their Club, treat their Club as precious, give it large when they win, moan when they lose. They have scumbags, as most Clubs do. I certainly don't think they're all vermin, murderers, [Phrase removed], cult members or utter rats.
Back in Uni days, I shared accommodation with Reds, my sons are Reds, a few friends and family are reds. We can all get together and talk about football and each others clubs fine and have a laugh, they'll take the p about us not winning and rub things in when they do. That's banter.