I honestly think RAWK is just one big self parody sometimes:
It's something else, it really is.
We Go Again
A special season now is done
And sadly there's no title won.
But memories of how we played
Will hold us through these summer days.
One memory for me stands out
Our captain gives a rallying shout.
Emotion strong, he tells his men
We Go Again.
Those words so heartfelt and inspired
Don't change because of what transpired.
For Stevie is a man who leads
Desiring always to succeed.
Pushing himself and those around
To always reach for higher ground.
He bottled it? Go boil your head
Support your [Poor language removed] team instead!
As we back ours and know that then
We Go Again.
So Chelsea came and things went wrong
And now they sing that [Poor language removed] song
And flood the web with endless memes
Our captain's slip, their bitter dream.
Don't let them take those words from him
As if it's ruined by what they sing.
Don't let them say he fell on his arse
And gave the ball to Demba Ba.
Because though he did, we know he slipped
And from there they were well equipped
To defend their lead, to waste our time,
To keep their deep defensive line.
We know that horrid twist of fate
Was just one game of thirty-eight
As Mourinho spouts his bitter chat.
The Special One? The "Special" [Poor language removed].
I'll stick with backing Rodgers men.
We Go Again.
I'm proud of reds who backed their team
And lined the streets as they made us dream.
I'm proud of our courage and conviction
As we battered all pre-season predictions.
I'm proud that at 33-1
We oh so nearly had it won.
I'm proud of our captain and proud of his words
And proud I'll remain despite internet nerds
Who hide behind computers and type on their screens
And have no idea what that passion means.
It means that they care, that they'll fight for the club
For those in the ground and for those in the pub.
For those who support us home and away
And even the gloryhunters who turn up in May.
The importance of that passion cannot be diminished
Though our best season for years had a frustrating finish.
You'll see how it matters next season when
We Go Again.
Tbh that's brilliant, I liked the bit where he said "dont let them say he fell on his arse and gave the ball to Demba Ba, even though he did"...........pure Kopite that.....