Welcome back Wayne
Are people suggesting Suarez is average ffs
No mate, he is the very best biter in the world........
Are people suggesting Suarez is average ffs
Haha, obviously that's a given likeftfy
Cue many shouts of being interested in Gotze
I would like to smash Macherano's head with a baseball bat
this article (especially the last couple paragraphs) makes me smile. They are so pretentious and believe they are in the upper echelons of Europe and yet no world class player wants to play for them!
So farewell Luis , I guess we all knew this day would come , but even so it still saddens, a doomed passionate relationship, we knew it wouldn't are a wholly unique footballer , there has never been any one like you at Liverpool ( however I am not saying you are a Liddell of Kenny, oh! no, not that level of Liverpool Legend) but you are a genius and brought so much joy to us, and tested us too...we will miss the exhilaration of watching you play , we knew you were the worlds best....but it all came at a price , that tested our loyalty ,our love...
So have you wish, but if we stayed to unlike 'others' lets no look back in anger and bitterness....lets remember just the good times and wish the best for each other....remember me as a good thing...cue the music..
yep!...their unintended self parody is a gift that just keeps giving and givingC
yep!...their unintended self parody is a gift that just keeps giving and giving
There's a new book out on Liverpool's charge for the title last season. It seems like its ultimately cashing in on/celebrating a 2nd place finish.
lol at the reviews