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ECHO Comment: "Fears of Witch-hunt Against Liverpool FC"

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...what unbelievable management-speak psycho babble issues from Gnashers gob. Mind you, I imagine they are jizzing furiously over it on RAWK..."ooh, doesn't our gaffer talk clever".
If one of my managers spoke like that in one of my meetings, I'd fire him

He really does talk some crap. He just jumbles up words and then sees how they fall out...........
How on earth are they top of the "respect to referees" column and second overall for fair play? Especially with the sort of antics described in the second paragraph.

A team of delegates marks each club every week for the Premier League’s fair-play league and Mourinho’s players currently score the lowest in the respect-to-referees column. Points are lost for repeatedly disputing decisions, badgering officials and any other examples of broken-down professionalism. Liverpool are top, followed by Burnley and West Brom. Chelsea are last and only marginally better, 19th out of 20 clubs, in the category that assesses the behaviour of managers.
The modern-day player is, however, becoming better at it, judging by a passage in Luis Suárez’s book about the penalty Daniel Sturridge won when Liverpool beat Manchester United at Old Trafford last season. “He threw himself down,” Suárez recalls. “It was such a good dive even I thought it was a penalty. But then I saw how annoyed Nemanja Vidic was. When I saw the replay I realised Daniel was about a metre away from Vidic. I said to Daniel later: ‘Can you imagine what would have happened if that had been me?’ He said: ‘I felt him touch me,’ and started laughing.”

How on earth are they top of the "respect to referees" column and second overall for fair play? Especially with the sort of antics described in the second paragraph.

A team of delegates marks each club every week for the Premier League’s fair-play league and Mourinho’s players currently score the lowest in the respect-to-referees column. Points are lost for repeatedly disputing decisions, badgering officials and any other examples of broken-down professionalism. Liverpool are top, followed by Burnley and West Brom. Chelsea are last and only marginally better, 19th out of 20 clubs, in the category that assesses the behaviour of managers.
The modern-day player is, however, becoming better at it, judging by a passage in Luis Suárez’s book about the penalty Daniel Sturridge won when Liverpool beat Manchester United at Old Trafford last season. “He threw himself down,” Suárez recalls. “It was such a good dive even I thought it was a penalty. But then I saw how annoyed Nemanja Vidic was. When I saw the replay I realised Daniel was about a metre away from Vidic. I said to Daniel later: ‘Can you imagine what would have happened if that had been me?’ He said: ‘I felt him touch me,’ and started laughing.”

'Team of delegates'.

Of course they respect referees. They are there to help them. So many decisions go their way they have no right to complain. Still, if I had £1 for every time an RS player tells an official to 'flip' off, I would have a very nice car...
How on earth are they top of the "respect to referees" column and second overall for fair play? Especially with the sort of antics described in the second paragraph.

A team of delegates marks each club every week for the Premier League’s fair-play league and Mourinho’s players currently score the lowest in the respect-to-referees column. Points are lost for repeatedly disputing decisions, badgering officials and any other examples of broken-down professionalism. Liverpool are top, followed by Burnley and West Brom. Chelsea are last and only marginally better, 19th out of 20 clubs, in the category that assesses the behaviour of managers.
The modern-day player is, however, becoming better at it, judging by a passage in Luis Suárez’s book about the penalty Daniel Sturridge won when Liverpool beat Manchester United at Old Trafford last season. “He threw himself down,” Suárez recalls. “It was such a good dive even I thought it was a penalty. But then I saw how annoyed Nemanja Vidic was. When I saw the replay I realised Daniel was about a metre away from Vidic. I said to Daniel later: ‘Can you imagine what would have happened if that had been me?’ He said: ‘I felt him touch me,’ and started laughing.”

Just shows that refs are being conned, time for cameras
How on earth are they top of the "respect to referees" column and second overall for fair play? Especially with the sort of antics described in the second paragraph.

A team of delegates marks each club every week for the Premier League’s fair-play league and Mourinho’s players currently score the lowest in the respect-to-referees column. Points are lost for repeatedly disputing decisions, badgering officials and any other examples of broken-down professionalism. Liverpool are top, followed by Burnley and West Brom. Chelsea are last and only marginally better, 19th out of 20 clubs, in the category that assesses the behaviour of managers.
The modern-day player is, however, becoming better at it, judging by a passage in Luis Suárez’s book about the penalty Daniel Sturridge won when Liverpool beat Manchester United at Old Trafford last season. “He threw himself down,” Suárez recalls. “It was such a good dive even I thought it was a penalty. But then I saw how annoyed Nemanja Vidic was. When I saw the replay I realised Daniel was about a metre away from Vidic. I said to Daniel later: ‘Can you imagine what would have happened if that had been me?’ He said: ‘I felt him touch me,’ and started laughing.”

Seems at least he's honest about it
Just shows that refs are being conned, time for cameras
Cameras have limited use when it comes to judging dives. You can watch a potential dive from four different angles and still not be 100% sure either way and there's no consensus. By contrast, goal line technology is an absolute.

How on earth are they top of the "respect to referees" column and second overall for fair play? Especially with the sort of antics described in the second paragraph.

A team of delegates marks each club every week for the Premier League’s fair-play league and Mourinho’s players currently score the lowest in the respect-to-referees column. Points are lost for repeatedly disputing decisions, badgering officials and any other examples of broken-down professionalism. Liverpool are top, followed by Burnley and West Brom. Chelsea are last and only marginally better, 19th out of 20 clubs, in the category that assesses the behaviour of managers.
The modern-day player is, however, becoming better at it, judging by a passage in Luis Suárez’s book about the penalty Daniel Sturridge won when Liverpool beat Manchester United at Old Trafford last season. “He threw himself down,” Suárez recalls. “It was such a good dive even I thought it was a penalty. But then I saw how annoyed Nemanja Vidic was. When I saw the replay I realised Daniel was about a metre away from Vidic. I said to Daniel later: ‘Can you imagine what would have happened if that had been me?’ He said: ‘I felt him touch me,’ and started laughing.”
Because they get away with murder with officials.
Cameras have limited use when it comes to judging dives. You can watch a potential dive from four different angles and still not be 100% sure either way and there's no consensus. By contrast, goal line technology is an absolute.

I remember watching and playing football 15-20 years ago, you could tell whether a handball was a handball, whether a foul was a foul most of the time.

Says a lot about the sport these days that 4 people still can't tell whether a dive is a dive.
He really does talk some crap. He just jumbles up words and then sees how they fall out...........

Compared to our manager who talks complete and utter sence when he opens his mouth.

I was the same about Brenda last year and I still cant work out wether he is a good coach or a lucky coach.

Footballers are in the majority stupid, so his brentanism's that he shows to the players, they probably fall for it, lap it up & go out their and play for him, could you say our players ar eplaying for our current manager at the moment.

Early December we were on the same amount of points, both having poor starts to the season, Rodgers has the arrogance/balls/cleverness or luck (im not sure which one to be honest) to drop his under performing keeper, his 20 million pound centre back, and his misfiring striker. Goes to 3 at the back and plays wingers (Markovic/Ibe) were most teams would put a full back in the wing back position and goes back to fast paced attacks centralised by Sterling and they haven't looked back since.
We have stuck with our 4-2-3-1 all season although occasionally going mad and playing 4-3-2-1 shoehorning no10's on the wing, keeping a slow knackered out of date centre mid in the team and when he gets the luck of pulling our underperforming keeper out of the team he puts him straight back in when the understudy has kept 3 clean sheets.

Now for me I cant get my head round it but I know who has done far better this season in similar circumstances?

Opinions, is Brenda lucky? A good coach? Or just a weird midget with mad teeth and ulcers all over his mouth with a need for some lip balm

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