It's just pissing me off in every sodding game they play in this competition and the usual thing comes up in the match report '..... just haven't turned up tonight', '.... are usually so solid defensively, but not tonight', '.... are normally deadly in front of goal, but the strikers have been off form tonight'. It's like every team comes over so thrilled and honoured to be able to play at the fabled ground and tell their grandchildren that they forget to actually focus on the game.
I want to see an end to this business of the fans 'respecting another and drinking together before the game', having jolly photos taken and all this corporate love-in stuff at their European games. Show up for the game, generate an atmosphere, get at them and maybe we'd have a game, rather than more people joining the Anfield Appreciation Society. It's almost like it's not Politically Correct for any team in Europe to harbour anything other than deep respect and deference to the shower at the moment.
God, I hate them. I really, really do. Did I mention that I hate them?