Except this is still a game, one of chance, in which teams which are slightly below or inferior to others can still, on any given day, pull out a WIN. So if you're a consistent quarter finals level team on talent, logic stands that, over time, once in awhile you should actually make or even WIN a final. Because quite often what most would consider the "best" team does not in fact win the major tournaments.
Germany & Italy, imo, are the best 2 examples. Their leagues are overwhelmingly considered inferior to EPL, their individual players I would argue are not lightyears ahead of England's by any means. Yet they consistently, as collective units, outperform england in major tournaments. So consistently I find it hard to ignore emerging trend & examine potential root cause(s).
And I'd start my investigation into said causes with:
1. Media
2. Fans & supporters (or lack thereof)
3. Players themselves, attitudes, etc.
4. Governing body, administrators, etc.
Pretend you're simply not good enough until you're blue in the face if it helps you sleep at night. I, for one, ain't buyin' it. And, that casually dismissive & subtly pessimistic attitude in itself speaks volumes to the very point. If you're a quarter final team, then work harder, be better at something, & find a way to overachieve & get beyond the quarters. The first place I'd look if I were captain of the English ship would be your collective mirrors.