To answer the question about age and location, 59 and from Walton , As for all these people telling me that I have issues because I do not want them winning the league just you wait till it happens ( and it is going to happen) they will become unbearable.
If you have to mix with the slime from across the park on a daily basis and think they are unbearable now just wait till the get that trophy back in there hands.Its not even the match winning reds that I am talking about you can live with them as at least they have the right to gloat about there triumphs its all the others that you never even knew were "Liverpool Supporters".
Your next door neighbour will have one of his old pissed stained sheets hanging out of the window with "Liberpool Champions of England " written all over it , the streets will become like Shaun of the dead with zombie like creatures wearing red shirts with Candy,Crown Paints and Carlsburg emblazoned all over them.
Im telling you the nightmare is coming ,is that what you want ? because that's whats going to happen.