For sure they still see Rangers games as the old firm derby and the biggest games of the season, but they will also say that Rangers don’t exist. It just seems strange to me that they want it both ways. (My dad was a jags fan, so I like promoting them as Glasgow’s second team)I'll answer your question, and hope others don't take offence, and say it's turning into a Celtic forum.
My view is that Rangers went out of business in 2012. A company Sevco Scotland bought the assets of the former company, out of liquidation, and formed a new club, The Rangers. Technically, the current Rangers are a new club, but I'm a bit old fashioned, and think 90 odd percent of a club is where they play, who goes to see them, and what colours they wear.
As the current Rangers play at Ibrox, Rangers fans go to support them, and they wear Rangers colours, they're effectively Rangers, in my opinion. A little something did die when Rangers went out of business, but Rangers are still our biggest rivals, and while there has been outrageous cheating by our football authorities to change the rules about clubs starting up again, just because it's Rangers who went bust, I still class them as Rangers.
I bet your friends get a lot more excited about games against Rangers than they do when Celtic play Patrick Thistle.
And to avoid this becoming a Celtic forum, all you have to do is finish a post with ”anyway, back on topic, are we signing Tierney”