Everton Summer 2024 Transfer Thread

Obviously a lot of other noise and factors in the club, but if the Jarrad deal is over the line I hope the Thelwell links with Jacob Greaves at Hull are legitimate. I think its a pretty fair consolation especially if its for 1/3rdish or lower from the amount of JB's return. Other CB's out there but thats just my knee jerk first thought.

We seem to be such a lazy club when it comes to recruiting players. The FIFA website says that there are currently 123,000+ registered professional footballers in the world.

Are we looking at the South American leagues? Are we looking at Asia? Japan is producing some amazing players.

Get out there, Thelwell.

It's galling he's better than Stones at his age, but it was always going to happen in our position we seemingly can't hold onto key players to build on them because of the mismanagement and dire state of our finances. We sold about sixty million quids worth of player last summer we will probably double that this summer and spend a fraction we can't go on this way of we ever wish to progress. I get selling players to buy, but it should be on our terms not after one good season. Branthwaite stays another year he would have his pick of clubs and no doubt our fee would be driven up north of 100m, but our financial situation and PSR dictate. But that's the state Moshiri has left us in and the farce that is PSR, another advantage for six clubs to cherry pick players. All we can do is hope they have players lined up because a thin squad is going to have two big holes in it and that's before you get to the wings and midfield that will need attention.
We are going to need eight or so players just to stand still and we need two of them to be quality to come straight in, good luck with our unimaginative recruitment :(
