How people can stand outside the hen house telling the people inside how to suck eggs is always a mystery to me.
*Rant Ahoy*
Where in your synapses does it tell you you'd make you an expert on how to run a football club? So what you doing wasting all your time on the internet when you could actually be winning the Champions League as Chairman?
@davek "I just judge him on his impact on Everton, which is lamentable. He should leave asap."
Lets break this statement down from our man here. What would be Kewnright's 'impact'? Honest question. Solid Footing? A steady guiding hand at a time it was all going pear shaped? Or a complete disaster when we got relegated? Where are we now as of 2015? With one of the most exciting, youngest squads we've ever had? Poised on the cusp of either flogging them off for bank or winning stuff? Davek you'd be a great Fox News Anchor. I'm glad we're always in Terror Alert Level Indigo in your mind.
And now he's not very well, leading to "Oh I don't have anything but respect for the man and the only agenda I'd like to keep pushing is for the sake of the Club." Of course this will fit very nicely into a conspiracy.
Oh the failed moves! Oh The 'lack' of investment! The Marketing! Oh the Marketing! The Stadium! Oh the Stadium! Woah betide us!
News Flash. History will tell you Kenwright did a good, solid job during his time in the seat, long after we're all in the ground. All the disgruntled against him are fueled by rumour and fuzzy memories of apparent better times at best and the constant Tall Poppy Syndrome has always made for a poisonously one sided debate. You see the top 4 all eating cake and you want some too. We all do, but sometimes patience is all it takes.
Especially if you're an Evertonian.
*Rant Astern*