Seriously, when did we as a fanbase become so desperate? Just relax. When we are actually close to signing a player, the media will report it and then it'll be announced. That is how transfers work in 2016. There is no way someone posting on here will have inside info so close to something happening that the media outlets haven't picked up on. Just think about it.
Stop pinning you hopes on information coming from a complete stranger (in real life terms) operating under a sudonym. He has absolutely nothing to lose by feeding you these lies but everything to gain. Like all fake ITKs, he is just on an ego trip. Now he has been proven wrong and people still have this weird blind faith in him. The same happened with the mole even after he was proven to be a liar, ironically be the Esk.
ITKs live off picking up a media report early on and riding it into the sunset in the hope that it comes off. They post ambiguous information, intentionally leaving important bits out to leave people guessing. To get people asking questions. Ever consider why he didn't mention exactly which player would sign today? It is to cover bases. The key is also to blame the sources if something doesn't come off. Sound familiar?
He has no sources. Even the admin on here knows it. People need to wise up because you're just going to be disappointed otherwise.
Also, why is there a habit on here of calling people kopites whenever they post something negative? It's just bizarre and a little obsessive.
Everyone needs to chill and to stop giving the Esk the time of day. It's embarrassing and playing right into his hands.