You've been responded to with substance dozens of times and you've ignored it and continued banging the same drum. As a result people aren't bothered with spending time writing the same responses again and again. Those that haven't already put your account on ignore are probably just looking to troll you at this stage and to be fair I don't really blame them.
Why is it that you have to look at this transfer window in glass half-empty manner? Honestly you gain absolutely nothing by making the same complaints over and over and over again... it's not going to affect how our club carries out business and it certainly does not look like it's making you feel better. The way that you're acting on here makes no sense - not to me anyway.
Anyway, those were rhetorical questions that I don't expect an answer to. Relax and enjoy the ride, this is supposed to be the most exciting season in the clubs recent history... why not get on board and try to embrace it with a bit of positivity... it's a lot more fun than deciding Everton are already in bits despite the fact that a ball hasn't been kicked, nobody has said 'let's go with what we've got', there's a month left before the window shuts, we've spent less than 10% of our suggested budget, none of our star players have left (yet), we're being linked with a standard of player that we've not been close to in the premier league era and lastly news starting to circulate that our star striker may end up signing a new contract.