Durham Toffee
Shameless Wool
Nah will be more than that before window end. Remember Koeman is notorious end of window shopper.
I doubt Hart will be done in 5 mins as well. Hope we buy not loan if we are getting him.
Well, he is Dutch...
Nah will be more than that before window end. Remember Koeman is notorious end of window shopper.
I doubt Hart will be done in 5 mins as well. Hope we buy not loan if we are getting him.
Friday is boss, isn't it?FRIDAY LADS!?!!
Ron has it all in the bag.But disappointed we didn't do more business this week, or at least make some progress with some.
Leaving it all a little late it seems, risky strategy , just hope we sign some good players.
farting about currently mate.without discussing the validity of itks , there hasn't been alot of chatter even from the press lately , is that a positive sign, that things are percolating or are we just farting about?
without discussing the validity of itks , there hasn't been alot of chatter even from the press lately , is that a positive sign, that things are percolating or are we just farting about?
Is it just me or does the lack of activity of outgoings seem a bit worrying now? None of them have seemed to have picked up pace in terms of finding a new club, even Niasse who was meant to have a load of suitors has even managed to get a deal.
Only worries me because come sep 1st they could well be seen as team members rather than us being able to replace them
yeah i've been getting that silent running vibe , it seems like when info is released it's very calculated like Joyce or king are usually involved. its the years of starvation under the previous regime that just make ya paranoid but i agree, I think we'll def see reinforcements at some pointEverton are a much tighter ship info wise these days mate. Not many know what's going on.
We'll get more in i'm pretty sure. No idea who. No idea when. And that's how it should be I think.