Well yes, actually, if games that happened in the last month still count?
"If" is a fantastic argument regarding this season, it seems, especially after games like today.
Oh if only we'd won every single game, we'd be champions by now. If only this, if only that. Jesus wept, just admit that we're playing turd and the manager is doing ridiculous things nearly every week. There's optimism and then there's blind optimism, guess which one you're going for here?
So you can't see that we have a massive problem in defence, and you absolutely deny the 19 games from a winning position we've ended up losing or drawing (i.e. losing points from winning positions. 19 times, just to repeat) as they never happened, because "if only so and so"?
This wasn't even about Niasse coming on, it was about the player coming off - subbing Lennon off when he's not knackered and is doing a perfectly good job was stupid, and even more so putting another striker on, just because we're apparently going in for the kill again, something which has not worked more than twice in the last 3 years probably. Why not put Barry on then? Or even sodding Osman? To do that old reinforcing the midfield bit, to protect that fragile defence that we know we have, to stop the crosses every team in the Prem knows we're quite crap at?
End of the day, we don't do defending at Everton, it's not vital at all for Roberto Martinez' 'unique' and 'phenomenal' philosophy, and somehow people are continuing to buy it.