….I’m certain the same players would come through the ranks now as 50 years ago. Royle, Husband, Wright, Hurst, Husband, Harvey et al would’ve made It. The difference now is that the numbers are not being unearthed because they aren’t there.
Those lads would only have been attached to Football clubs from the age of 14. They learned their trade in the streets, on the playground, playing schoolboy football at local & representative levels. Now they train with clubs a couple of times a week from 8 years of age, kick the ball about in the garden and play computer games.
I signed for a club as soon as the rules allowed them to sign me, but for 12 months i couldn’t go near them because I was playing representative schoolboy football. Amazing how things have changed. I’m not necessarily saying it was better then, but times have changed, the world has changed.
Physicality has improved, players are generally bigger, stronger & faster but I fear standards haven’t. The very good ones are not being held back, it’s just that there’s not as many of them.