Farewell Goodison Park. A mother, a servant, a guardian, a beloved home.

Personally having worked in hospitality and retail sectors before, I can understand the huge pressure these kids are under. It certainly isn't an easy job, particularly at Goodison where the facilities are archaic and the bars just not designed to cope with the sheer number of people. Middle-aged men with kids of their own screaming at the young ones struggling to serve them is poor form.... it really is. Be a different sketch in a local alehouse for sure.
The screaming is uncalled for, and that's not my way of venting frustration.

The piss poor facilities are no excuse for lack of thought. I mean, how hard is it to make two teas side by side?

Should be re engineered into an Everton Womens/Youth stadium. Maybe keep the Park End stand/parking area - then add a community/support hub, our church, meeting area(s) and surround the rest of the pitch with small, but slightly expandable stands. Sustainable set up, helping keep Everton in the community.
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I am going to miss the memories. My lovely dad first took me to a game in the Park End stand when I was a nipper. The stand is long gone, but the memory is a great as it was that very first day. When I was 13 I graduated to going on my own with my mates in the Gw;adys street. Getting to the ground early and waiting by the turnstile door to be first in line for a boss speck. Over the years I have sat in every stand, and ended up back in the Park end where it all began for me.

Sadly my pops is no longer here. Nor are a few other family and friends who used to go to cheer us on. I made some good mates at the games. I still see people now outside the ground and we will wave and shout hello. I have seen us win titles, and fight relegation, I was there for that magic semi final v Bayern Munich, I was also there for the nerve wrecking Wimbledon game when all seemed lost. I have seen some great players, I have seen some absolute dross as well. But the experience, the atsmophere, the excitement, it is magical. I am proud to be a blue, be a part of this wonderful family of ours. Good or bad, the memories will be cherished. COYB.

What do I hate? Kopites, and I always will.
Should be re engineered into an Everton Womens/Youth stadium. Maybe keep the Park End stand/parking area - then add a community/support hub, our church, meeting area(s) and surround the rest of the pitch with small, but slightly expandable stands. Sustainable set up, helping keep Everton in the community.
Great idea this. As a stadium for the ladies team would be great. Plus, we could still go back and visit and have the connection.

Had to go to the hospital today and went up past goodison
The clubs had new banners put out on all the lamp posts around the ground goodison park themed they look ace
I’ll miss the long slow walk up there with my da, with him taking ever more pit stops as he got older and weaker, and that fact that every time we walked up he would say ‘I wonder how many times we have walked up here over the years lad?’

What i wont miss is the prehistoric facilities, in the end he stopped going to the match because he was ill. He went because he couldn't do the stairs to his set and the only lift he could use was miles away.
