Farewell Goodison Park. A mother, a servant, a guardian, a beloved home.


  • Walking up. I used to walk up from the south end alongside Stanley Park and loved how the ground grew. In recent years its always been walking down from the Black Horse, you turn the corner and it s there. Towering over all around it.
  • Seeing the pitch, every time.
  • Memories of proper good times. (Even the traumatic good times)

  • The pillars.
  • The miserable facilities
  • When you leave and the escalators are broken :lol:
  • Countless home twattings from our lovely neighbours
From early years going with dad, teenage years when we were the finest team in the land with my mates to flying back over the past 25 years or so. (In fact, our decline started when I left, sorry.)

I love Goodison and all it means to so many, but I cannot wait to leave. I hope it remains on some shape or form, but without the benevolent Mr. Usmanov funding the legacy project I fear the worst.
As a non-native Evertonian, I don't feel as qualified to comment on this, but here we go...

Love: how it feels like home. I was born and raised in the north east and attended st james' park a few times with my dad. But something always felt wrong and missing. I've only been to goodison twice (personal circumstances) but each time there has been an immediate sense of belonging and "I'm home". I also love the architecture and atmosphere around the ground on match days.

Hate: the fact that I've not been able to go as much as I would have liked to. Hopefully I'll get there a few more times this season.
The screaming is uncalled for, and that's not my way of venting frustration.

The piss poor facilities are no excuse for lack of thought. I mean, how hard is it to make two teas side by side?

I had an issue at the Guinness machines at the match when first introduced, the young girl kept using the wrong plastic glass, using the coors ones twice.

Guy behind me had a go at her saying sort yourself out you’re taking the p***, I said don’t take it out on her she’s been given the wrong ones. He said I’m not having a go at her, literally just shook my head at him whilst he was pulling faces and muttering crap to himself.

People like them have probably never worked in a customer service role and have no understanding the problems these people have.

I was tempted to throw him through the ground wall like.
Most people said knock down the stands. Much cheaper to leave the pitch there and build a few very small stands like they have at WHP than what they currently have planning permission for.

Of course it would be good if they could leave the Bullens and demolish the rest. We all know that the Park end is probably the only viable one in terms of maintenance costs. All considered though given the direction of travel in the women's game even if we left both those stands it's only going to be 16k max. After changes to remove the worst of the restricted views at the back of the Bullens and create new changing rooms a 13 ish k stadium for the ladies might be about right. I'm sure it would bump the numbers up in attendance just so people can visit Goodison.

Sadly, despite his horrendous past and ownership. Usmanov and his team did seriously want to invest in the women’s team.

Had his wrongun brass beating nephew running the show but they did invest serious cash into the women’s game. We had Alisso Russo and the insta famous Lehman signing. I remember him posting on social media after they had to leave “what are they doing to the great womens team” or something in those words.

We wouldn’t have had the Walton park stadium if it wasn’t for them.
