Life was happier with Bill at the helm, we knew our place, and there was less sniping,I like to say, that criticising Moshiri is not the same, as wanting Bill to come back in charge.
Not for me, anyway.
Properly awful at speaking isn't he? Don't think he's made a statement yet which I haven't cringed at majorlyI wish he'd never opened his mouth. If he had just remained silent, lurking in the shadows like a bond villain or mafia boss. Maybe whilst stroking a white long haired cat, slowly pulling on a cigar in smokey dimly lit boardroom...
But his mystique is eroded with every public comment...I'm sure he's a decent accountant though...
...because we've seen a massive hike from £83M to £135M from tv revenue since he turned up.
Moshiri has done nothing for the club. He's bought shares and then brought in club debt which he'll eventually turn into shares.
He's a carpet bagger.
Not on the squad, in debt restructuring. He owns our debt (most of it) now rather than Vibrac and other lenders.Soo with the tv-money, Lukaku-sale and other income, he spend £150m on top of that, this summer, of his own money.
That is not serious
Ok. Interesting. Do i asume correct, if i say that it is still our (everton's) debt, and we are going to pay every cent of it back? Perhaps only with-out interests?Not on the squad, in debt restructuring. He owns our debt (most of it) now rather than Vibrac and other lenders.
I dont understand that.What would BK have done Dave with out the carpet bagger coming in?
Uh oh..on the Everton Show this evening.
Uh oh
I talked about this in an earlier post but basically there’s no reason to mention the details unless you’re mocking rom’s mother’s sincerely held beliefs or you’re trying to exoticize a black personI'm not getting all these racist calls. If the phone call actually did happen, why is he being racist in telling the story?
Let's wait and see if it happened or not.
I talked about this in an earlier post but basically there’s no reason to mention the details unless you’re mocking rom’s mother’s sincerely held beliefs or you’re trying to exoticize a black person
I’m sure other players make decisions based on religion all the time and it goes without mention.
Also voodoo is a syncretic religion from the Caribbean and southeastern United States. Vodun is its african ancestor which is in west Africa and not Congo at all. So it’s just rude and wrong all around.
Or, that is a complete overreact and he is just trying to explain how pathetic it is dealing with footballers and their agents when they behave in such a ridiculous manner, and has nothing racist about it at all? Assuming all this did in fact happen in the meeting.I talked about this in an earlier post but basically there’s no reason to mention the details unless you’re mocking rom’s mother’s sincerely held beliefs or you’re trying to exoticize a black person
I’m sure other players make decisions based on religion all the time and it goes without mention.
Also voodoo is a syncretic religion from the Caribbean and southeastern United States. Vodun is its african ancestor which is in west Africa and not Congo at all. So it’s just rude and wrong all around.