I have asked a mate who holds a single share, to submit a question to the AGM:
Does the club have a documented strategy/business plan and if so, can the document be released to the sharehoders?
My outsider view of the way the club is being run, is that they do not have one. If so it is inexcusable for a multi million pound
In my view this goes to the heart of the problem, as Moshiri seems to be reluctant to appoint a Director to implement any plan for the club.
Also his involvement for most of the time appears to be phone calls with certain individuals. He holds 90% plus of the shares so even if the Board were capable, which is a matter for debate, they have to keep seeking his ok for everything. His continued absence must make this difficult.
Given that he has so much total control, it is my view that Mosh needs to become more involved or as above, appoint a Director to deliver on the implementation of a clear plan to develop the club. He should have a major involvement in creating that plan.