When I was a kid my dad had a massive railway in our loft, to which I was only ever allowed to 'play' on it under heavy supervision. When I was old enough I spent a fortune on building my own layout and getting all the loco's I wanted, the problem was, I'm no electrician (My dad was!) and no matter how many times I tried I couldn't make my layout work like my fathers did, or look quite as good, so I was forever pulling up the track and re-laying it. The point being, I have no doubt that FM wants success at Everton, it's his 'toy' now and he doesn't have to be supervised while 'playing' with it, perhaps like the situation with him at Arsenal. However, owning a club is one thing knowing what to actually do with it to make it work properly is another thing altogether. Slowly, inextricably, he is getting there and I think by the very fact that Bramley Moore is being built shows the depth of his commitment to Everton Football Club. I am grateful for what he has tried to do because even though it has been false hope, it has been hope all the same, I just think he needs to choose one or two of his 'friends' more wisely and allow those he has hired to sort the problems out, and we will get there in the end, because in the end it means that we have finally achieve something to really shout about.