The problem for me is why the preferable option ,MSP, failed .
If it was due to objections from the suspiciously secretive R&M , then I would question why Moshiri didn’t find a way to pay them off , he is still billionaire after all.
If it was due to his valuation of the club then he is at securely at fault.
The problem is we have a lack of transparency in this sale , so you can only judge by his actions and effects.
777 are an atrocious group to sell to, so to me to leave the club with only this option is as an abject failure of leadership, direction and vision,
I would prefer to take our chance in administration than sell to these financial vultures.
They will finish off what Kenwright and Moshiri have started and finally finish us .
At least there is a scintilla of a chance in administration.
In my opinion 777 gaining ownership is a death sentence for us.