Player Valuation: £40m
Moshiri is a lot smarter than some people give him credit for, I think. You don’t get to be in his position otherwise.
A board of Directors are there to do the right thing for the company, not to jump through hoops or do things just to keep a shareholder happy, and bear in mind that while Moshiri is the largest shareholder, the board also have responsibilities to the minority shareholders. They have a legal responsibility as Directors of a company to do the right things, or to resign. You seem to believe that they are just employees, they are not, they have legal responsibilities. If they deliberately do the wrong things, even if pressured by an owner, they can be prosecuted and sent to prison. There was a reason Moshiri kept an arms length from being on the board and only joined it after pushing them out. Football is no different to any other company…….
I think you’re confused mate. The majority shareholder/s appoints the board, they are absolutely there to keep the majority shareholder/s happy, if the majority shareholder/s isn’t happy with the performance of the board, the board is sacked. Strategic decisions are made by a majority share holding vote, were the majority carries and implemented by the board. The rest of our shareholders are a minority. Moshiri appointed a Patsey Board to carry out his decisions. Do you really think the board, sacked Martinez, Koeman, Allardyce, Silva, Brands it was all Moshiri - he was literally flying in to make the decisions and hold interviews. All the credit facilities, Moshiri. All the Kia J, signing Moshiri. Why was Moshiri of sorting out the Stadium Funding? (That never materialised). He has always been calling the shots.
Directors have a legal responsibility, which one are you suggesting they should be charged with breach and brought to court? Yes I am saying they are employees, because they are - all of our were on the pay role are you suggesting otherwise. To my mind the only director who I believe could be in breach is Moshiri as he is an acting Director and a clear conflict of interest as a shareholder looking to sell his stake and his responsibility to the club to act in its best interests - massive conflict of interest.
You keep saying about law, breach going to prison - if what you suggest were true, why aren’t they arrested, charged, why aren’t they in prison, if they are culpable? I don’t think you know or understand.
I can’t honestly believe what I’m reading, reading your posts mate am shocked - I can’t believe anyone in 2024, with all that happened still believe that Moshiri is some innocent taken advantage by a nefarious board, it’s frankly Bananas.
He’s a pox and the worst thing to ever happen to this club.
I think you’re confused mate. The majority shareholder/s appoints the board, they are absolutely there to keep the majority shareholder/s happy, if the majority shareholder/s isn’t happy with the performance of the board, the board is sacked. Strategic decisions are made by a majority share holding, were the majority carries and implemented by the board in consultation. I can’t believe you think he handed over 650 mill and said - alright lids over to you! The rest of our shareholders are a minority thus don’t carry influence - Moshiri actually changed our articles and cancelled the annual shareholding meeting. Moshiri appointed a Patsey Board to carry out his decisions. Do you really think the board, sacked Martinez, Koeman, Allardyce, Silva, Brands it was all Moshiri - he was literally flying in to make the decisions and hold interviews. All the credit facilities, Moshiri. All the Kia J, signings, Moshiri. Why was Moshiri of sorting out the Stadium Funding? (That never materialised). He has always been calling the shots.
Directors have a legal responsibility, which one are you suggesting they should be charged with breach and brought to court? Yes I am saying they are employees, because they are - all of our were on the pay role are you suggesting otherwise. To my mind the only director who I believe could be in breach is Moshiri as he is an acting Director and a clear conflict of interest as a shareholder looking to sell his stake and his responsibility to the club to act in its best interests - massive conflict of interest.
You keep saying about law, breach going to prison - if what you suggest were true, why aren’t they arrested, charged, why aren’t they in prison, if they are culpable? I don’t think you know or understand.
I can’t honestly believe what I’m reading, reading your posts mate am shocked - I can’t believe anyone in 2024, with all that happened still believe that Moshiri is some innocent taken advantage by a nefarious board, it’s frankly Bananas.
He’s a pox and the worst thing to ever happen to this club.
In terms of Directors responsibilities, I was trained by the guy that wrote the rule book. Served on several major Boards of Directors and still do albeit in a much smaller company today. I’ve no idea what company knowledge you are thinking of but in my opinion you are wrong. But apparently we are not going to agree……
You were trained by the guy, who wrote statute and legislated company law - a politician?
Cool, so. Tell me what criminal charge you think the police need to arrest DBB and Graeme Sharpe on? And Why have they not? Why were they handsomely paid for their severance - legally, seeing as you assert their criminality.
You’ve made a lot of statements, with nothing to back it up, bar my mates a director.
Not a politician. It was Sir Adrian Cadbury, look him up. I didn’t say anyone on the board had done anything criminal, I was merely pointing out responsibilities of Directors. If I did, please point it out. I didn’t say my mates a Director, I said I was. You believe it was all down to Moshiri, I believe it was down to the Board…I think you are using emotion and not thinking it through….
You said they had legal responsibilities and implied they weren’t met, were they met or not? If not they are in breach of the law.
With respect mate I don’t believe you.
I think it’s you whose emotional mate, you’ve just tried to self disclose and name drop all over the internet, to try and prove a point that you’re a bit at sea with. If I was Mr Cadbury I wouldn’t be to happy if my name used on the internet, to legitimise an inference that another board of directors were in breach of their legal responsibilities as directors. That’s the type of thing as a director - I’m sure you’d know, ethically.
I honestly cant believe in the year of our lord 2024, you are defending Moshiri - it’s unbelievable., frankly bananas.
what you mean mate?
and we’re have 777 got the initial money from to keep us going ? i don’t get it
The word is that the loans from 777 aren't secured so they can't just call them in. They themselves are having financial issues. Essentially it could just mean that they've been footing the bills for a year. So Moshiri has saved himself and MSP some rounds of funding.
I'm sure he must be smarter than I give him credit for, surely no billionaire can be as thick as Moshiri seems too be.Moshiri is a lot smarter than some people give him credit for, I think. You don’t get to be in his position otherwise.
Moshiri is a lot smarter than some people give him credit for, I think. You don’t get to be in his position otherwise.
Moshiri is a lot smarter than some people give him credit for, I think. You don’t get to be in his position otherwise.
The Board consisted of Chairman Kenwright, CEO DBB and FD Grant Ingles. It was their job to police and manage the PSR. Moshiri just provided the money. They wasted and mismanaged it. Moshiri may have been gullible/naive in keeping Kenwright and allowing the absolute disgraceful decision in appointing DBB, but like it or not he changed the club for better or worse. There is no denying the absolute waste of money spent on players by managers who then couldn’t get a tune out of them while drawing us down the table.
But let’s try and remember where we were before Moshiri. GP looked and indeed was a tip with no sign of any improvement. There was not a cat in hells chance that we would ever have been playing in a magnificent stadium in an iconic position. Yes we can look at todays problems and just blame Moshiri, but world affairs played their part at just the wrong moment in time. Whatever happens now Moshiri will walk away with an awful lot less money than when he arrived. Bill did alright financially , DBB walked away with millions, no supporters have lost any money and we still get the Stadium we’ve been needing since the 80’s. Even with an unparalleled points deduction we end the season in a more relaxed place than we have for a while. Are we in a better place or a worse place ?……..
This aged well.Fair play to him; he’s got us sold to backers who are considering to invest serious money.