Honestly, who's arsed?
If it's going to happen it's going to happen.
Whining about it online, hanging bedsheets with messages or even worse, daubing paint on the stadium won't change anything.
It's not that important. It's a man being well paid to instruct other well paid men how to position themselves on a football field. Ridiculous when you think about it.
Will it dampen my enthusiasm for Everton? Not at all. Pre-COVID I'd fly 60/70 thousand miles a year to watch them (even for Allardyce) and I'll go back to that once restrictions allow.
The surprising thing for me is that Benitez is even interested. He's still held in extremely high regard across the park and he's almost universally despised on our side, why bother with the aggravation? He certainly doesn't need the money.
I would hope if he's appointed (which, BTW I don't think is as done as many think) and everything settles down he gets a decent reception and the team gets proper support.
As disgusting a prospect it may seem, it's a clean slate and therefore should be offered the same support as any manager starting the season.
If you're just happy to be annoyed, look at the government. That's worth your anger.