I have so many thoughts on this, and I really don’t know what I perceive to be correct.
But this could also be the Premier League either being promoted by our relegation rivals, or being pro active ahead of any future advance from our rivals (we know Leeds did last year), to prevent them from doing their research.
I don’t think the Premier League want to sanction us. The EFL are the ones we need to be hugely concerned by. The Premier League have set a precedence to all the other teams if they dock us points, which ultimately could occur with Man City… and after their little power grab with the ESL, they really hold all the power.
Whilst we’d all love it, for the Premier League, if they lost their 6 main sources of revenue, they’d be finished. Their 30 years of hard work, seemingly undone instantly. That’s why I’m relaxed about what will happen to us.
Anything but relaxed about how we’ve managed to get ourselves into this mess!