The Mina one on Son was a very close call. I have to admit that I thought that was a pen and Saha and the lads in the studio saying the same. Very clumsy from Mina.
The handball, I thought it would’ve been soft. Literally nobody complained, they didn’t gain an obvious advantage from it, it’s not like it blocked a shot. I didn’t claim when it 1st happened and nor did anybody else, it’s only when you see that the ref is checking you think “Oh, go on then!”
If you truly think that was a pen, a nailed on pen, then you have to concede Spurs had a strong case for one at the other end. And on the balance of things, perhaps both sides got a let-off.
That decision wasn’t the reason for the result. We didn’t deserve to win the game on the balance of our entire performance but a point was fair. The whole game changed after Andre went off and it was great to see Cenk come on and change things.
Emotions are raw now but in the cold light of day, tomorrow, you’ll realise that the performance wasn’t great. That’s what we should focus on.
There is no bias or corruption, we’re seeing City, Liverpool and other top clubs get the rough decisions given against them this season too! VAR is being implemented badly at the minute and it needs work or scrapping altogether.