is the guidelines from the Home Office.
It is known that reconviction rates for murderers are lower than for other offenders.
Also of interest is "Typically, two thirds of the victims of homicide know the perpetrator before the offence takes place, and in two thirds of these cases the circumstances were a 'quarrel,
revenge, or loss of temper'. Across homicides as a whole, in only about 4-5% of cases
does the perpetrator appear to have been mentally disturbed."
"As far as victims are concerned, the age group most at risk is children under one
year of age (82 victims per million of the population in 2000/01). After the first year of
life children are rarely the victims of homicide, but for men aged between 16 and 30
there are 33 victims per million, and for men aged between 30 and 50 there are 25
victims per million. Persons aged over 50 are at low risk of becoming victims of a
Interesting when you look at things from a factual rather than emotional point of view isn't it.