Fine, but post-Brighton was the time to make that decision.And we risk a vital 3 points against a relegation rival, we did it with benitez and Norwich, through 3 points away when they were losing to everyone.
We need a bounce to get them points imo
10 days is not possible because any new manager will not have sufficient time to get new players in.I think he has about 10 days.
They won't be too fond of him when he takes us down. As he will.The stats are absolutely terrifying.
Sick of hearing people saying: “I do like Lampard though…”
Honestly, it’s irrelevant. He is taking us down
Tonight shouldn’t be the deciding factor? What about one win in the previous 12. Including losses against the teams around us - Leicester, Wolves and BournemouthI think tonight shouldn’t ever have been the deciding factor.
If the “lose against United and he’s gone,” line turns out to be true, then it’s utterly fatuous. Especially if the context of a much-improved performance isn’t considered.
It’s totally arbitrary and lacks any intelligence.
CoolFine, but post-Brighton was the time to make that decision.
Time in prisonI am starting to think he needs more time we played ok there
Good effort tonight Frank.
Cruel game at times, robbed tonight.
I'd prefer Lee Carsley right now. Apparently a pretty decent coachIf a semi spirited performance is gonna mask how bad the manager is to our board I am at a loss for words. If he gets Southampton the atmosphere and the performance could be dire, and if we lose that game we are cooked.
You’ve said it yourself. Those are much more logical things to base a decision on.Tonight shouldn’t be the deciding factor? What about one win in the previous 12. Including losses against the teams around us - Leicester, Wolves and Bournemouth