On a serious note, is there an option for non-paypal donation?
I sent you a pm about donating monies last week lad. *awaits response*
@GrandOldTeam you missed answering my question re: clicking on the angry bird or the f...any advertising revenue in clicking those?
Ty for your answer, and since i wrote this I have been thinking, its good if you make money on keeping grandoldteam running, cause its a great forum which I am on a lot. Of course its not ok if u say " we need donations, or else the site will go down," and its not the truth ( like the rumours was for BK, which I dont know if is true or not). But other than that, its cool if u can get some money for ur work on this site trough ads and such. So keep up the good work, and I will keep my adblock off like I have done since I read your enquiry about it for the first time.
I hate ads of all forms - visual nagging litter that has trained me not to read a whole page properly as I filter things out. I end up missing out on real info. However, this is fair enough if it funds the site, as it's a free site. I've disabled adblock for this site and this site alone (and toffeeweb).
How many ad clicks are roughly equivalent to being a forum supporter? I may a lazy arse when it comes to forum support, but I've certainly got nothing better to do than click some banners.
So what if this site IS a profit making organisation? If a songwriter can write / sing one catchy song, and sit back their entire life watching the royalties come in, doing nothing else, why shouldn't the person who had the idea and gumption to set up a site like this, enjoyed by dozens, be able to make a living by continuing to run it?
It's a daft way we view things really. On the one hand it's quite alright for middle men the world over to buy a mass produced product for a pound and sell it on for a tenner, but we view dimly a forum creator making a living, or when a school sells on a biro it spent 9p on for 10p it's a shocker!
I contribute to forum costs as I really appreciate GOT and the free work that the mods, admins and Danny do to keep it running.
I'd also be willing to chip in some quid if it meant the rep system returned like...
On a serious note, is there an option for non-paypal donation?
I dont think you need a paypal account fella to donate, you can just skip the bit where it prompts you to login.
The icons top right? They just go to our facebook and twitter pages mate.
Haha, as if I'm paying extra for internet. NEA.
It's a nice website and all, but it's just not worth any of my money. Let's be honest, it would die a slow death if it was only open to paying members.
I can appreciate that the site needs to be supported, but I'm passing the buck![]()
I never got a mug though. Fuming tbh.
I agree - The main post was not for for paying members- just a mention of donations not mandatory!Oh mate...
Hey @GrandOldTeam how come when I click on an ad it doesn't open in another tab. Takes me away from here.