What about now then?So many posters consumed by their hatred of Pep. Lovely stuff. 4th with half a season still to play. Hardly a crisis is it? "I wonder if Man City will stick with him". Crikey.
He got rid of a goalkeeper who almost singlehandedly knocked his own country out of a tournament whose best offer for a transfer was from a mid-table club in Serie A, replacing him with a GK with multiple club and international titles. That's a vanity signing is it?
Let's not judge just yet.
As if people are trying to justify Bravo as a good goalkeeper, he's absolutely terrible.
They play you lot next? Oh dear. #prayforpepExcellent result for you boys. We will finish them off next week!
Not yet mate. I'll wait till he's brought in his own defensive players. New full backs and defensive midfielders needed as well as another cb at leastWhat about now then?
Bravo for today though...
Not yet mate. I'll wait till he's brought in his own defensive players. New full backs and defensive midfielders needed as well as another cb at least
Bravo may well have not turned out right but still not a vanity signing. Clear logic behind it.Bravo has been far worse than Joe Hart has ever been in the Premier League or any other competition for that matter. It was a vanity signing and it was a joke the way Hart was forced out.
Hello future...It would be interesting if both City and United under perform next season.
Not too difficult to imagine it happening either.