Yes he's totally unmarketable as well. We'll be paying him until he leaves on a free. That's comfortably over £50m for the pair of them in wages and fees, which is near-fatal for a club like ours.
It does make me wonder who is setting the strategy between the two...None.
This is a total mismatch.
There can surely be no respect fro Brands given the utter trip he's bought.
It hasn't but you know this already you l'il tinkerTo be honest, this is true. The Iwobi signing has put us into major financial difficulties.
I take it you're referring to West Ham United?
Hence why Brands should have been passing Ancelotti And shaking hands on his way out.It does make me wonder who is setting the strategy between the two...
In theory it should be Brands as the DoF. But I can't see that practically with a manager like Ancelotti.
Lip service will be paid to Brands. I cant see him here long term. The signings will be Ancelotti led, IMO.It does make me wonder who is setting the strategy between the two...
In theory it should be Brands as the DoF. But I can't see that practically with a manager like Ancelotti.
Ask the Eskwe going bankrupt mate?
I'm not so sure there is anything wrong with the DoF role or Brands doing it if there is clarify if what his remit is.Hence why Brands should have been passing Ancelotti And shaking hands on his way out.