Fancy anything today @Eggs ?
Just about to have a look now.
Had a little bet on a horse called Albigna yesterday which came in at ten to one, but it was literally a last second bet cos I liked the look of it when they were lining up.
Enjoy! I'm off out in a bit, should have the cricket and the racing the pub in 30mins to watch it with my mates.
Done a £20, 7 timer on last nights greyhound derby first round.
6 winners and one got chinned on the line for the 7th.
Absolutely gutted.
Glad I’ve got that off my chest though.
They are running it at Nottingham this year are mustard at those Greyhounds, no 50-1 shouts for the final?
Anyone on anything today in the Oaks? Not the strongest of renewals so had a poke with Frankellina at 14s.
Also fancy masham star in 14:35 and Salouen in the 15.10.
...backed Manuela de Vega @ 33-1 a month or so ago for a bit of interest, Frankellina tipped up last night by Ben Linfoot (Sporting Life).
Ahhh guessing frankellina might of been a bigger price before being tipped.
...backed Manuela de Vega @ 33-1 a month or so ago for a bit of interest, Frankellina tipped up last night by Ben Linfoot (Sporting Life).