How do we ‘fix’ the relationship between fans and the club?

Seen a few comments now about the style of football changing, I think that’s a massive part of it.

We expect maximum effort as an absolute minimum, that means to us blood and thunder challenges, positive football, crosses, pressure.

It doesn’t need to be possession football it just isn’t percentages channel ball. I do think a massive part of the lack of association between fans and players is the ‘brand’ of football. Carlo didn’t play tiki taka but we loved it by and large.

Just positive, front foot, aggressive football. Goodison is a weird animal and I feel like the last few managers just haven’t been able to harness that most of the time.
Carlo didn't play fantastic football but he was pragmatic and many of his decisions made sense because of the players we had were and most fans recognized that (DCL has no skill, and any contribution he makes in the channel was useless because nobody's in the box, Keane doesn't like the ball in behind, so he played with a lower block, etc.)

Lampard tried to play progressive high line football which was definitely the wrong move but Dyche is sacrificing anything on the front door other than launching it and hoping we get a set piece or the opposition make a mistake. It's small time craphousery, and puts fans on a knife edge because it's embarrassingly limited. If you keep winning, then great, but the downside is you could end up conceding 7 goals without reply and two shots on goal in three hours it really does make people think "could it actually be worse?"
Less of this type of post from someone who somehow has a platform.

Attacking people who have a genetical disorder is only fanning the flames.

And fyi I’m not bald. I just think he’s a nob.

He was attacking him for being a muppet. The baldness comment pinpoints who he's referring to and is the least of that guynin the video's worries when he's throwing tantrums in train stations
This has been forgotten and under the rador.

Of course. There’s no chance now of any apology. A lot of people stayed quiet about it at the time, so little chance of that changing a couple of years later.

I think if they did some sort of apology or communication a lot sooner it might of eased relations between fans and club.

Makes me laugh about the narrative about Evertonians and their conduct yet no responsibility was ever taken for that situation by people at the club. People left and the story is it’s the fans fault that they are apparently unwelcome back to match days.

It’s clear from just scrolling down the main page on the forum (and following on from countless media reports and Dyche’s comments) the fans are taking a bit of flak currently.

I had a few thoughts about where all this started and was curious whether anyone else can pinpoint what might be done to try and ‘fix’ it.

For me this goes deep, and way back to when Moshiri first bought us. We’d had a fantastic season under Martinez which had raised expectations after years of being ‘almost there’ under Moyes, followed by 2 underwhelming follow up seasons. The takeover sent expectations into overdrive about what was possible however and this is where some inward reflection from us as fans is probably fair.

The atmosphere at Goodison has notably dropped from the Moyes era, call it fatigue, call it antipathy - whatever you like - it’s not what it used to be for 70% of the season. Yes we’ve pulled them over the line when needed but what about games like last week or how I imagine Saturday is going to go…

With the expectations increasing we’ve seen blasé attitudes to transfers, manager sackings and the finances surrounding the club. Some voices were shouted down early on when voicing disapproval of how the club had been ran and many had the ‘not my money’ attitude to some woeful recruitment.

We’re now left with whatever this is, a group of players we can probably pick 3/4 out who we genuinely do like and a manager who just isn’t suited to galvanise a fan base like ours. How do you heal that disconnect between fans and staff?

We don’t need a happy-clappy, Lampard type. I think we need an absolute maniac on the touchline, someone like Klopp, Simeone, Bielsa (not that calibre but that personality). The fans are that flat, the players are that disassociated, I can only see a big personality like that galvanising a reaction from the whole club.

Be interested to see what anyone else thinks, where we go from here, how did we get here. Is anyone else feeling a degree of blame for the rot setting in? Not pointing fingers but I know I’ve been guilty of all of the above at times (bar booing players coming on/off - actively called that out at the game a few times).
Agree totally, at least under Moyes he would get a reaction such as beating City after we got thrashed by Wigan. You don't get a similar atmosphere nowadays. Martinez was far too laid back, which worked when things were going right, but his last 2 seasons were poor, however he even he took us to a 5th place finish and 2 semi finals. It's not about results, we got to Europe under Koemann, but we were still terrible. Some of the defeats that season were way worse than what we had endured under Moyes or Martinez. Hibbert was right he said and I agreed at time, something had changed at club, this was in 2016, long before current problems. I think this continual false optimism since Moshiri has come in, has caused a lot of problems, we are in a worse position now, than we were when he arrived. We have been continually inconsistent since Moshiri arrived, we look great 1 week and it's back down to earth week after.
Sack the current manager. Before people say we can’t afford it, just pay him his weekly salary and bang him on leave.

Hire new progressive manager, plenty unattached, one with a style of play that doesn’t resemble hoofball.

Win a couple of games playing half decent football.

That would be a start..
The old reigeme that blamed the fans for the DBB stuff is pretty much gone.
There's a new stadium coming
Really it's just the terrible football.
Obvious tactical errors that fans can see cause frustration
And the manager never taking any sort of responsibility.
Theres been years of abject garbage off the pitch
We're now on year 4 of abject garbage on the pitch.
The fans have saved the club time and time again
with very little given in return
A fractious angry fanbase is no surprise.

Hire a new manager.
Is the manager without fault? No.

But just look at the way the squad has been decimated in both quality and numbers.While also being hamstring by unwise contracts that were handed out.

Every other team is splashing out £30 / £40 million on players. The systematic decline is coming to ahead.

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