How do we ‘fix’ the relationship between fans and the club?

Stop getting hit for 7 goals in the opening 2 games with no reply. How you start the season sets the tone for what's to come and transforms the mood around a club. Dyche just seems to shrug his shoulders and have a these things happen attitude.

The club, the manager and the players should expect more from themselves. Every time you listen to Dyche speak it's about how fantastic the opposition are. I think it's even got to the point where he resents the fans having any expectation other than we'll be in and around the relegation places again.
I actually can’t believe the panic after 2 games. Brighton have beaten us and United and look decent and Spurs away we were never getting a result due to our injuries and their squad. I will start to worry if we don’t have a go against Bournemouth and those kind of team.
I actually can’t believe the panic after 2 games. Brighton have beaten us and United and look decent and Spurs away we were never getting a result due to our injuries and their squad. I will start to worry if we don’t have a go against Bournemouth and those kind of team.
I know what you mean, but it's not just after 2 games though, it's a few seasons. Dyche is still making the same idiotic decisions. The selection of Keane, Harrison and Doucoure when players have been brought in to replace them and only warm the bench. The selection of Keane especially is ridiculous we must concede an average 2 goals a game with him. Doucoure as our number 10 is absolutely mental.

There are a multitude of factors.

1. I have never known a time when there has been so much anger in the country. Everyone seems to be unhappy and complaining about everything ( slight exaggeration but you get my meaning)
2. Increasingly people seem to have a sense of entitlement.
3. There is a gulf as wide as the English channel between the perceived values and wealth of fans and players.
4. Under Kenwright DBB and Moshiri Everton seem to have embarked upon a deliberate policy of blaming / splitting the fan base as a way of deflecting blame for their repeated failures and incompetence.
5. We have a manager who never accepts personal responsibility for anything. He sets his team up to defend and play turgid football to grind a way to safety and that is the extent of the ambition of the club.
6. The players , or at least many of them , however poorly they are set up by the manager do not appear to care and / or give 100% effort.
7. Everton used to be not only a wonderful football team but more importantly a club that had values that were in line with the fan base. The drop in standards of both the team and the club is truly appalling.
8. It doesn't help when the RS are doing well .
I actually can’t believe the panic after 2 games. Brighton have beaten us and United and look decent and Spurs away we were never getting a result due to our injuries and their squad. I will start to worry if we don’t have a go against Bournemouth and those kind of team.

It’s also the performances, as much as the results.

Brighton could have been 5 or 6 nil and we didn’t lay a glove on them. That can’t happen at Goodison. Against anyone.

Spurs, we started really poorly and could have been 2 down in the first 5 minutes. Then Pickford throws one in. And the game is done long before half time.

Then our detestable manager who’s already had a pop at the fans has the temerity to say his players looked beaten.

The fans have been key to what pulled this club over the line for the last three seasons.

Last year we needed a points deduction to get us up for the fight. What's this season's reason? Last year at Goodison? And then what, first season at Bramley Moore? Very soon one of those reasons ain't going to be good enough.

The fans have had enough. The away fans are generally the most supportive and up for it. If they are getting fed up, God help us.

What will turn things round? A well set up team giving it all and being able to understand how improvements are being implemented. Unfortunately with an owner who is checked out, a non existent board and a manager who fire fights and blames everyone but himself that ain't were we are - and haven't been for many years with all too few exceptions.

And we do have some useless players, but how can they expect to thrive in such a negative set-up? No service to the front players, forwards look gash. Defence set up to absorb relentless pressure- how can you expect them not to concede. The players I would argue have been thrown under a bus by Dyche's anti-tactics.

Frustrating ain't it. And nothing is changing until Moshiri is gone. Hopefully Textor, or whoever comes in, comes in soon and is ruthless and demands creativity and daring to live up to the club motto. Then we might be unified as a club and fan base.
It’s clear from just scrolling down the main page on the forum (and following on from countless media reports and Dyche’s comments) the fans are taking a bit of flak currently.

I had a few thoughts about where all this started and was curious whether anyone else can pinpoint what might be done to try and ‘fix’ it.

For me this goes deep, and way back to when Moshiri first bought us. We’d had a fantastic season under Martinez which had raised expectations after years of being ‘almost there’ under Moyes, followed by 2 underwhelming follow up seasons. The takeover sent expectations into overdrive about what was possible however and this is where some inward reflection from us as fans is probably fair.

The atmosphere at Goodison has notably dropped from the Moyes era, call it fatigue, call it antipathy - whatever you like - it’s not what it used to be for 70% of the season. Yes we’ve pulled them over the line when needed but what about games like last week or how I imagine Saturday is going to go…

With the expectations increasing we’ve seen blasé attitudes to transfers, manager sackings and the finances surrounding the club. Some voices were shouted down early on when voicing disapproval of how the club had been ran and many had the ‘not my money’ attitude to some woeful recruitment.

We’re now left with whatever this is, a group of players we can probably pick 3/4 out who we genuinely do like and a manager who just isn’t suited to galvanise a fan base like ours. How do you heal that disconnect between fans and staff?

We don’t need a happy-clappy, Lampard type. I think we need an absolute maniac on the touchline, someone like Klopp, Simeone, Bielsa (not that calibre but that personality). The fans are that flat, the players are that disassociated, I can only see a big personality like that galvanising a reaction from the whole club.

Be interested to see what anyone else thinks, where we go from here, how did we get here. Is anyone else feeling a degree of blame for the rot setting in? Not pointing fingers but I know I’ve been guilty of all of the above at times (bar booing players coming on/off - actively called that out at the game a few times).
It’ll take a root and branch clear out to change things
New owners with cash to invest in the first team squad
New board of competent professions in finance., football, commercial activities etc
New manager who will play a progressive style of football
Of the current squad only Pickford Tarks , Branthwaite , Mykalenko and maybe Gana should be in the starting 11
That’s excluding the new lads because we have t seen them play
Seems odd naming 4 defenders considering we shipped 7 in 2 games but Keane is finished as a PL footballer and the RB position needs to be sorted
It’s going to take an investor with deep pockets a lot of savvy with goiod football wise advisors to sort this out and unfortunately I don’t think any of our current suitors fit the bill
The new stadium is the draw for them all where they can place all the debt on to it
Never thought I’d say this but a sports washing Middle East sheik seems to be our only hope
Football is dead. At least for us, because we 'know our history', but our history is pre PL era and we're not comfortable with change and so we've been caught in a no man's land in regards to identity.
Moyes gave us 'the People's Club' thing to cling to, which was just a sticking plaster distraction, and only with hindsight is that era looked at with fondness because after he left and Moshiri came in we've had no identity at all. We don't know who we are. We don't fit in with today's 'soccerball'.
We sing about being this and that but we're not.
This is where the club have to create an identity. One that carries the support with it.
Maybe we should have done it like ripping off a plaster, but, thanks to Bill, we clung on to the plucky epithet to keep him in charge.
I hope the club are working behind the scenes to create this new identity, I thought that with the tower logo and stadium logo branding it had begun, but that would take some business savvy and there's little evidence day to day of that.
No one knows if we can cling on again till BMD, fans are pinning hope that once there we progress, but we're extremely dysfunctional as a family so it's not a given, but we can't be who we were and exist these days.
So we wait for the club to change itself or we as supporters do. It's who we have more faith in.
As we're now treated as 'consumers' more than 'supporters' I believe it's on the club, and that's the biggest worry.
Everton Motto - Nothing but the best is good enough

Everybody knows we are in troubled times and miles away from winning anything but the mindset of the club should always be about striving towards their motto even in troubled times. Instead we have gutter dwelling managers having a go at the fans for leaving early in the first trouncing of the season and then basically telling people to accept that this is where we are so get used to it after the second trouncing on the trot. Yes this is where we are so want and do better you absolute no mark.

The relationship cannot be fixed until the clubs entire mindset and attitude changes. I have zero respect for any of them.

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