How do we ‘fix’ the relationship between fans and the club?

I feel uncomfortable about pontificating to supporters how they should and shouldn't act. All of this is bourne out of frustration from half a decade of circling the drain. Our club embodies the spirit of a city that has been in the crosshairs of the rich and powerful and, even as a wool, I feel a strong dismay at the state of affairs.

Unity is needed until we get new leadership at the board level.
Likewise, but this isn’t it though.

Abusing the players has long term ramifications. Do you think players looking at us externally see an opportunity to progress or a potential to get volleys of abuse 2nd game in?

I get the frustration, I know the socio-economic situation but I do feel fans’ attitude 75% of the time in games (at home, can’t knock the away fans whatsoever) has had a sense of entitlement creep in for the last decade.

It can make Goodison a hard place for our lads to play at times, especially if the opposition keeps us quiet first 25.

So many false dawns takes it’s toll.

Was it a false dawn though? Most thought this season would still be a struggle. We've had two games where we've had to play Keane in central defence, with a clearly unfit Tarkowski.

Our record against the bottom clubs last season was the cornerstone of our points accumulation and it is those games that will define our season far more than away to bloody Tottenham.
Some lids need to lay off the Charlie.

The relationship has been goosed ever since chairman Bill lowered our standing in the game and peed all over our motto, and made some of us accept and crave just existing.

Seeing his grid getting generous applause on the big screen…..

Although mad mosh tried to break us out of that mindset, his biggest mistake (and he’s made some corkers!) was keeping the greatest blue ever when he bought us instead of punting him, which sealed our fate, and the relationship had just got worse, with the Benitez appointment and headlock gate.

We need the ownership sorting and a root and branch clear out before things can even start to be fixed.

Having a manager not picking fights with supporters and setting the team up to have a go now and again would also help.
Football is dead. At least for us, because we 'know our history', but our history is pre PL era and we're not comfortable with change and so we've been caught in a no man's land in regards to identity.
Moyes gave us 'the People's Club' thing to cling to, which was just a sticking plaster distraction, and only with hindsight is that era looked at with fondness because after he left and Moshiri came in we've had no identity at all. We don't know who we are. We don't fit in with today's 'soccerball'.
We sing about being this and that but we're not.
This is where the club have to create an identity. One that carries the support with it.
Maybe we should have done it like ripping off a plaster, but, thanks to Bill, we clung on to the plucky epithet to keep him in charge.
I hope the club are working behind the scenes to create this new identity, I thought that with the tower logo and stadium logo branding it had begun, but that would take some business savvy and there's little evidence day to day of that.
No one knows if we can cling on again till BMD, fans are pinning hope that once there we progress, but we're extremely dysfunctional as a family so it's not a given, but we can't be who we were and exist these days.
So we wait for the club to change itself or we as supporters do. It's who we have more faith in.
As we're now treated as 'consumers' more than 'supporters' I believe it's on the club, and that's the biggest worry.
I think you’ve hit the nail here. It is complex because our malaise is multifaceted. The biggest thing for me is identity. The club has historically had a tradition of playing progressive football but that has by and large gone in the PL era. Recently Martinez and Silva tried to bring this back but fell on their sword simply down to results. Martinez wasn’t backed financially as was Moyes, and had his shortcomings and blindspots but he had a romantic idea of what he thought Everton was which I think most older Evertonians would align with. Silva spent some money but again 2nd season was hamstrung with a poor transfer strategy and I think the job come too early for him. People don’t see the enormity of the job at our football club until they are in it. Unfortunately we are in a situation where the current manager who is as stubborn as they come but I do respect has a remit to make sure we get the to the new stadium with as little spend as possible. It wouldn’t surprise me if DCL and Branthwaite go this window and we have a couple of players lined up as perceived stop gaps. That is where us fans are divided too where some are accused as accepting mediocrity. Unfortunately this is the reality we are in right now. On a side note all been well I would like to see maybe someone like Ralph Ranjick come next summer and I’m not a hater of Kevin Thelwell but I would love to see David Weir comeback as technical director to look at our recruitment and academy model. He looks like he is doing a great job at Brighton and I loved as a player here. I thought he was a rolls Royce of a player who was underrated at a time when we had similar struggles.

Has there even been such a negative atmosphere around a club just two games into a season? It's madness. Everybody needs to take a deep breath
There will be quite a few fans done after Goodison and or 1-2 years until Bramley Moor, probably me included
I can't wait for it all to be done tbh
Football is dead. At least for us, because we 'know our history', but our history is pre PL era and we're not comfortable with change and so we've been caught in a no man's land in regards to identity.
Moyes gave us 'the People's Club' thing to cling to, which was just a sticking plaster distraction, and only with hindsight is that era looked at with fondness because after he left and Moshiri came in we've had no identity at all. We don't know who we are. We don't fit in with today's 'soccerball'.
We sing about being this and that but we're not.
This is where the club have to create an identity. One that carries the support with it.
Maybe we should have done it like ripping off a plaster, but, thanks to Bill, we clung on to the plucky epithet to keep him in charge.
I hope the club are working behind the scenes to create this new identity, I thought that with the tower logo and stadium logo branding it had begun, but that would take some business savvy and there's little evidence day to day of that.
No one knows if we can cling on again till BMD, fans are pinning hope that once there we progress, but we're extremely dysfunctional as a family so it's not a given, but we can't be who we were and exist these days.
So we wait for the club to change itself or we as supporters do. It's who we have more faith in.
As we're now treated as 'consumers' more than 'supporters' I believe it's on the club, and that's the biggest worry.

It'll still be amateur hour behind the scenes.

Only a small gripe in the scheme of things but just look at how they handle the preseason games every year. Whoever had the camera for the Roma couldn't keep up with the action. Then you've got Darren Griffiths falling over himself to excuse the fact once we're getting the run around by players leagues below. All the while most other teams in the top flight are off playing the glamour friendlies making their clubs some decent money. Even this cult legends night they've put together shows a complete lack of understanding of both the fanbase and how to run a business.

Everyone who works at the club has the opportunity to reset the direction of travel over the next year or so. The new stadium has the potential to be transformative but I'm sorry to say I have no faith in them to deliver. It's the legacy of our late chairman, which sadly has only been built upon by our current one.

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