Barry would never be loaned. They'd just release him...Think Davies may be loaned, McCarthy sold, cleveley sold, and wouldn't be shocked to see Barry loaned as well mate.
Barry would never be loaned. They'd just release him...Think Davies may be loaned, McCarthy sold, cleveley sold, and wouldn't be shocked to see Barry loaned as well mate.
Barry would never be loaned. They'd just release him...
Would have thought Leicester would have been all over him.
If he was scouted by Walsh and they have lost Kante to Chelsea.
Harry Catterick will be turning in his urn.Another transfer to drag out.
sort it out everton you shower of crumpets
Another transfer to drag out.
sort it out everton you shower of crumpets
I was fun but now its getting ridiculous.But didn't you know that dragging out transfers and being linked to top players is much more fun than actually signing them?
I was fun but now its getting ridiculous.
Something has defo been triggered.