Well there's a couple of things there. Firstly I didn't mean always as in 'every single time', I meant always as in 'it will never change'. There will always be challenges where the referee has to make a subjective call as to whether it's a foul or not. Secondly, the last line; I think this is just plain wrong. Of course you think you can tell whether it's a foul or not, because you're making up your own mind. That doesn't mean you're objectively 'right' though, or that everyone would agree with you. Of course there are clear-cut cases where everyone can see that it/is isn't a foul, and in 99% of cases the referees call these too, but there are instances in every single game where the call is borderline, sometimes you get them sometimes you don't. It's why you get terms like 'soft', the inference being that the decision wasn't wrong as such, but then it wasn't necessarily right either, it just comes down to your viewpoint.