All the shouts to get little wee GERRY back, yeah, I get it, he's talented, but was he REALLY that good for us? He was infuriating, I know that. In the same way MIRALLAS is i.e. when a final ball is needed and never given. Some say that's the mark of a talented maverick, whatever that means, I say it's the mark of a greedy tw@t...
As for STONES, yep, he's often a joy to watch and will without question become a great. But before we get carried away let's not forget he nearly cost us twice last night (not that it mattered in the end) by fannying about on the edge of the box, as CARRAGHER - a pox be upon his balls - said on the TWITTY; that's insanity with 3 players around you. He needs to grow up a tad I fear.
Or perhaps we generally just need to stop being reliant on the tikky-tw@tty-fanny-abouty stuff so much.
And ROSS, I mean, ace, again, a mega-talent, yet sometimes the kid appears to think he's just havin' a kick-about on the WALLY PARK ASTRO TURF, his head seems elsewhere. Genuinely feel we either need an older pro to step up or buy someone with a gob who's willing to take control and praise & bollock when required...