Lozano is pretty talented, but that 42M number is partially due to his potential economic benefit as the annoited future star of Mexico. That being said, if we are in need of a wide midfielder that provides economic benefit, drop 50M for Pulisic, get someone just as talented, that if you play your cards right, will sell about a bazillion jerseys.
But let's be clear, Lozano is really good. Quick, very very skilled, great shot, he's just a borderline midget. In typical Mexican fashion, he'll also dive, although he's not like Chicarito or anything.
Tosun I'm not sure I understand. Seems strong and can clearly finish, but he doesn't seem to be good in the air and be able to really help with Siggy's set piece delivery or hold up the ball better than DCL. Giroud he is clearly not. I don't even think he's Benteke.
Vincent Aboubakar or Dembele just seem like better options, although obviously Dembele is still very inconsistent and would not be cheap.