Yeah we also watched the Burnley game. Gana has a high passing rate because he passes backwards mostly. If he tries to pass forwards anything over 5 yards it usually ends up gifting possession away and it puts us in trouble.
Like the previous poster said gana is at most useful when we're playing defensive but against the other 13 teams in the leauge he offers little.
Gomes has had a bad few games, everyone has but in the midfield it's all on gomes. Sigurdsson is too far forward and gana litraly offers nothing on the ball. That's where we are loosing the midfield battle every game. All the attention is on gomes because he has to do all the work. Gana only ever dose 3 things with the ball pass to the defence, pass to gomes or give the ball away. All that time gana spends on the ball is just dead time for me. Where someone creative like sigurdsson in that position could do damage there.
Honestly I'd play the way we did against Burnley and drop gana play 3 at the back and let sigurdsson and gomes play as a deep cm's with a tight front 3. Drop Coleman and play Kenny, with the 3 at the back he'd be more protected.
One things for sure the way we're playing and the formation we're playing isn't working.